
7 steps to a secure password

Our password is the main weapon against online abuse, which we often forget. We must do everything we can to protect ourselves from data theft.

We offer you 7 tips to increase your security online.

1. Use a password manager.

Programs such as 1Password and LastPass, will help you create unique passwords, making it easier for you to find the right combination of characters.

2. Come up with long passwords.

The golden rule says it is length more important than complexity. Passwords that have more than 12 characters, is particularly difficult to decipher. Let your imagination run wild and create unusual character formations.

3. Shuffle the characters.

It is easier to remember a password that consists of letters in the initial part and numbers in the final part. Unfortunately, such passwords are not secure, so it is necessary mix up the characters.

Caution is not superfluous when choosing a password.
Caution is not superfluous when choosing a password.

4. Do not change passwords.

You've probably heard the advice that we should change our passwords regularly. This is not a good idea, as it can quickly happen that we forget passwords. If we do change them, we usually only change small things, e.g. digit at the end of the word, which only makes it easier for hackers.

5. Do not use the same password on multiple accounts.

Using the same password for multiple applications can be very dangerous and should be avoided. So even if hackers break into one of your accounts, you won't have to worry about stealing data from the others.

6. Don't trust your browser.

You've probably noticed that your web browser has asked you if you want it to remember your password. This option you must refuse. Although useful, it is not secure against data theft.

7. Use other security tools.

Nowadays, a password cannot completely protect us from inconvenience. Therefore, it is recommended to use the remaining security tools. The easiest way is to send codes via SMS messages.


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