
7 stupid mistakes that make a man lose a woman: the last one will tear you apart forever!

Every woman notices this, no matter how good you think you are at hiding it.

We all make mistakes - and that's OK. However, there are "mistakes" that last a lifetime and are constantly repeated without realizing the consequences. We usually do this unconsciously, but it's time to wake up and stop making relationship mistakes that could eventually cost us our relationship!

These 7 stupid mistakes make a man lose his wife.

1. Unattractiveness

You don't see that there is anything wrong if you are unshaven, fat, you think you can skip brushing your teeth so that a woman doesn't notice that you are lethargic and that you don't try anything... Big mistake! A woman wants to see next to her not only a strong, but also a well-groomed man.

2. He doesn't pay attention to a woman's appearance

She made an effort for you, so look at her carefully, she changed her hairstyle, hair color, bought new clothes, but you look through her and notice nothing. For a woman, it's like doing something nice for you, but she wouldn't notice. Do you understand now?

3. Young old man

If there is only work-home-home-work for you, then your wife does not see the potential in you. And a man without potential is an old man. And how old are you?

4. Flattery

If your wife starts to grow old and you say you like her so as not to offend her, you will eventually regret your words. And killed the beauty of his wife. Tell me honestly, honestly!

5. You are not interested in further personal development

A very important rule - you evolve - and she evolves. If you want it to develop, start developing yourself. As soon as you stop evolving, it follows you! If you want him to quit smoking, quit smoking yourself first. If you want him to learn some manners, learn them yourself first. A woman always follows a man and it all depends on which way you decide.

6. You don't care about her opinion

If a man does not ask a woman for advice, then he loses her support. It is not necessary to involve the woman in all your affairs, but it is important that you talk about everything and ask her for her opinion.

7. In nature, a woman chooses a man, not the other way around

She chose you, she trusted you, she completely surrendered to you, she tolerates you, forgives your mistakes, loves you, cares for you and works hard for you. Forgetting this is a crime and the deadliest mistake in a relationship!

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