
7 things that make your skin look old

Photo: Engin Akyurt / Unsplash

You certainly don't want to look like you're 10-15 years older, do you? How can you enjoy a youthful appearance for as long as possible? Wondering what things are keeping you from looking youthful?

It is true that we should accept our age with pride and confidence, but the fact is that aging is accepted differently in today's society.

We want to keep our youthful appearance as long as possible, at least until we accept that aging is inevitable.

What can we do to make the skin look nourished and healthy?

Sleeping with makeup

We know not removing your makeup before bed is a beauty staple – no! It causes clogged pores, acne and pimples. Did you know that this bad habit has another consequence - premature aging of the skin?

How to remove makeup

How you remove your makeup is also important. If you don't remove them properly, any care product you apply afterwards will have no effect. Therefore, pay special attention to thorough cleansing of the face, both before and after makeup. Experts advise to do this during the shower, when the skin is wet and the pores are open enough to clean them well.

Remove your makeup well. Photo: Matthew Tkocz/Unsplash

Too much sugar

Sweets will not only give you bad skin and pimples, but will also affect skin aging. Because sugar promotes inflammatory processes, premature breakdown of collagen occurs throughout the body, including the skin, resulting in wrinkles and skin aging. Easier said than done, but try to reduce the amount of sugar you eat and opt for some healthier options, such as dark instead of milk chocolate or fruit with lots of antioxidants.

Sun exposure

Exposure to the sun's rays affects the aging of the skin, but this does not only mean sunbathing on the beach, but also going for a walk, all the things you do outdoors throughout the day. Apply an SPF cream every morning!

Pursing the lips

Wrinkles around the lips do not require you to be a smoker. Believe it or not, their formation is influenced by other everyday habits, such as drinking through a straw. Watch what you do with your lips!

Display brightness exposure

There are hardly any days when we are not looking at the screen (phone, computer...). Did you know that they can affect premature aging of the skin? Interestingly, the blue light they emit can penetrate deeper into the skin than the sun's rays, causing the breakdown of collagen and the formation of wrinkles.

Frowning causes wrinkles. Photo: Engin Akyurt / Unsplash
In addition, looking at the screen affects the formation of wrinkles around the eyes, and a slightly bent head over the keyboard creates wrinkles on the neck. What can we do? Use suitable anti-aging creams on the face, neck and around the eyes.

Neglecting the skin on the hands

If your face or neck don't betray you, your hands can! To keep the skin of your hands looking young and well-groomed, moisturize it with an appropriate cream.

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