
7 things that are absolutely not allowed in a partner's life: every woman and every man must know this!

If you know what is desirable in marriage and what is not, your married life will be much easier!

Both partners must know this, as this is NOT ALLOWED in a healthy partnership!

Don't humiliate your partner

Don't allow yourself to tell your partner that he or she is useless because "sit at home and you work". Never tell your partner that he or she does not earn enough, that he or she does not work well. You have to go through life together. Let each of you do what you do better and faster than your hands, and you will see how far you can go. You help each other, and your goal should be the well-being of your relationship or your family.

It is not allowed to deceive and lie to your partner

Trust is a very fragile thing. Once you spend it, that's it. There is no going back. One small fissure can create much bigger fissures, which destroy marriages and partner lives.

You can't just take and give nothing

They are together in order to both receive and give, complement each other and enrich each other's souls. It is impossible to spoil someone with love. You cannot become weak if you love. Open your heart to your partner. Let your children see what love is. Hug them too so that you will all become stronger and happier together.

If you know what is desirable in marriage and what is not, your married life will be much easier!
If you know what is desirable in marriage and what is not, your married life will be much easier!

You cannot expect that there will be no problems

Problems are an integral part of life and it is completely unreasonable to expect to spend your whole life in harmony. The path from "I" to "we" is difficult! Get rid of egoism, learn to accept your partner and do not try to change him in any way. They learn how to live with each other.

You can't leave your partner when they are sick and just walk away

Whether it's a cold, the flu, a serious physical or mental illness, you must not leave. Of course, it is easier to turn your back and focus on beautiful things, spend whole days on Instagram or watch a series, but a loved one is not abandoned! It is your duty, your duty as a person, to listen to others when they have problems. So forget your desires for a moment and be there for your partner who needs you.

Don't put everyone else before your partner

Husband and wife are one and should come first to each other. You cannot prioritize career, hobbies, friends. Your family should come first. There is no hierarchy in love.

You cannot be happy if your partner is unhappy

Together, you need to build relationships in which you both feel good. Happiness must be found in a partnership, in your family. Everything else in life is a bonus!

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