
7 things no man wants to hear from a woman

It is wonderful to be in love and to love, but women often find themselves in a situation where they offend their man, but also cannot understand why he is hurt.

There are quite a few things men don't really want to hear, and here are seven of the most common.

Mama's son

Most men are "mama's boys", but they don't need to say that under their noses. At the end of the day, she gave birth to them, fed them, raised them and made them what they are today.

She raised the person you are in love with, so how could you even think that he would completely ignore his mother and only listen to you and your advice?

After all, why bring up his mother in conversation when it's not necessary?

Most men are sensitive to their mothers, just as most women are sensitive to their parents. No man wants to be called a "mama's boy", even though you know he is.

However, many women make the mistake of reminding their man of this fact. One of the biggest mistakes in relationships.

"You're losing your hair!"

Most men lose hair over the years and don't like to be reminded of it. How would you feel if a man told you to get fat? And that you should eat less chocolate?

Men are usually sensitive about their hair, even if they say they don't care. Some even have nightmares about it. Every man wants to have thick and strong hair, and if you tell him that he's going bald, you're probably going to hurt his manhood.

Harikiri in relationships.


"We need to talk."

As soon as they hear these words, men immediately "pull out the antenna" and pick up signals of all problems from the atmosphere. Although they know they don't need to feel guilty, these words sound like the beginning of a big problem in their ears.

For most men, these words mean a lot of drama and tears, which their genetic design cannot tolerate.

Also, most men will think you've read some women's magazine and are trying to find a problem where there isn't one.

If there is a problem, you need to talk about it or you will never solve it, but starting a conversation with these words can be a very big mistake.

His friends

His friends are something most women don't really like. A lot of women think they are bad company. If you don't like them and you tell them, then that can be a big problem. On the other hand, if you like them, your man might get jealous and that can be a problem too.

It is always better to speak about them very carefully if you want to say something negative to your man about his friend or several of them. And maybe you find yourself in the same situation as him: how would you feel if he constantly criticized your friend or praised her too much?


"You always act like that."

"You always act like this" and "You will never change." These are words that men do not want to hear, and one of the biggest problems with women is that they often generalize and even mention things that happened ten or twenty years ago that have nothing to do with the current conversation.

You need to focus on the current arguments, not his character or what he believes.

"Isn't she beautiful?"

It's the one question men know they don't have the right answer for.

If they say no, you will tell them that they never agree with your observations. If he says yes, you will
thought he was one of those who like to jump over the fence.


"My ex would never do that."

Never talk about or compare your ex-partner with your current partner. What your ex did or didn't do doesn't matter now, he is your ex for a good reason.

Therefore, you do not need to hurt your partner's ego in such a way and destroy your relationship.

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