
7 things that tell you that you are not in love with your partner: it is just a game of lust between you

Photo: envato

Do you realize that you are not out of love and that it is just simple lust? Recognize true love and avoid disappointment!

Love it is one of the most complex and multifaceted emotional experiences a person can have. However, sometimes feelings that seem like infatuation may actually stem from simple physical attraction or lust.

It is important to recognize whether it's really love or not as it can prevent you from doing so disappointments and heartache.

Here are seven things that can help you recognize that maybe you are not in love, but you just want to physically connect with your partner.

1. Physical attraction prevails over emotional

If the first thing you like about your partner is their looks or style, it may be that physical attraction has overpowered a deeper reason for attraction. If so, prepare for disappointment.

2. You say yes to sex to keep your partner

If you agree to sex in order not to lose your partner's interest, this is not a good sign. This shows that they may not have a real relationship, just a physical connection.

7 signs that you are not in love
All she knows is sex. Photo: We vibe wow tech / Unsplash

3. They are lovers but not friends

If you're only compatible in the bedroom, but you don't have common interests and can't have a conversation, it's probably just physical attraction, not true love.

4. Spend time only in bed

If you mostly hang out in the bedroom and avoid going out and getting to know each other better, it shows that your relationship is more physical than emotional.

5. You want to leave after sex

If you want to withdraw and spend time alone after sex, this indicates that your feelings are not strong and that you may not be in love.

6. You feel empty after sex

Although the hormones released during sex are meant to bond with your partner, you can still feel unsatisfied if the relationship doesn't offer you more than just physical attraction.

7. You don't want to introduce your partner to your friends and family

If you avoid introducing your partner to friends and family, it shows that you don't think he's important enough to want to share with others.

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