
7 things you need to know if you love a sensitive woman

"A head in the right place and a good heart are always a powerful combination." - Nelson Mandela

If you like a very sensitive or anxious woman, there are certain factors to consider. A relationship with such a sensitive soul can be interesting and full of feelings. However, this is another world for you - a world that goes beyond classic relationships. A world of deep emotions and strong attachment.

Very sensitive women, they don't even know that they are a bit "different". You will feel it more.

We all experience emotional turmoil and feelings of deep sensitivity from time to time. But some people experience stress, anxiety, emotions, feelings more intensely than other people.

Here are 7 things you should know and consider if you want to take a step forward in a relationship with a sensitive woman.

1. She is quickly wounded and disappointed

She has already been hurt in past relationships. She's been let down so many times it doesn't count anymore. And it remains so. She will try to control her expectations, to expect disappointment, because only in this way will she not be disappointed and hurt again.

It is important to communicate with her openly and honestly. Tell her what you think. If you stick to the agreements, do what you promise, it will be confirmation in the deepest parts of her heart that you will not disappoint her.

2. She is hard to read as her emotions change from day to day

Her emotions are constantly changing. She easily projects the emotions of others. For example, if you are around someone who is angry at work, they will project that anger onto you, even though it has absolutely nothing to do with you.

Sometimes even a simple act like watching the news affects her mood and emotions. One day she will be happy and content, the next day she will be depressed and withdrawn. There's nothing wrong with it, it's just the way it is.

3. Noisy environments exhaust her

As she is very sensitive, noisy environment disturbs her a lot. Attending concerts and parties can be exhausting and stressful for her.

Accept her difference and allow her to retreat to a quiet space. He needs time to himself to calm down.

4. It gets attached too quickly

She tries to protect her heart, but she gets attached to a person too quickly and then gets frustrated because people don't understand her. He takes personal relationships seriously. This can lead to codependency and unhealthy behaviors. She can become clingy and desperate.

Be honest and open, tell her how you feel, especially if her attachment is suffocating you. Don't make her feel like you're pushing her away, watch your words.

5. She is full of love

A sensitive woman feels deeply and has a lot of love. He has a lot of love to give you and a space inside him to receive a lot of love. Despite her efforts not to get hurt again, she can't keep walls around her feelings, so you'll get full access to her heart. She is also full of passion and compassion.

6. She's worried she'll ruin your relationship

She is nervous and worried about ruining your relationship. If he perceives that things are not going well, he always puts the blame on himself.

Tell her, day after day, that she is doing great, as this can help her feel secure in the relationship.

7. He thinks constantly

All the things that could go wrong run through her head all day. He is constantly considering and planning all options and potential scenarios – often focusing on negative outcomes.

She needs someone by her side who will encourage her and who will provide her with support. Someone with whom she will feel safe and to whom she can open up emotionally. Someone who will accept her deep and sometimes possessive love.

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