
7 things you should NEVER clean with dishwashing detergent

You can destroy them with this!

Photo: envato

Dish detergent is one of those everyday items that we often take for granted. It seems to us that we can use them everywhere. But that's not the case!

Dish detergent - its ability to remove stubborn grease and grime is invaluable. But have you ever thought that you could caused damage, if it were used in inappropriate places?

The power of dish detergent is twofold – it can clean and it can harm

Therefore, it is important to know the limits of its use and to be aware of where it should not be used should not be used.

We will reveal to you the hidden pitfalls and dangers behind the wrong use of dish detergent.

1. Dishwasher

Although it may seem convenient, adding liquid hand dishwashing detergent to the dishwasher is not recommended. Dish detergent creates a lot of suds, which can flood the dishwasher and cause water to leak and foam on the floor.

What do you use dish detergent for? Photo: Vivaan Rupani / Pexels

Instead, use special tablets or powders designed for dishwashers that are formulated to clean dishes effectively without excessive suds.

2. Washing machine

Using dish detergent in the washing machine is another common misstep. Dish detergent creates too much suds, which can damage the washing machine and cause the machine to stop or start leaking.

Additionally, too much suds can cause clothes to rinse poorly, leaving detergent on the fabric. Always use a detergent specifically designed for washing machines to avoid these problems.

3. The car

Dish detergent is too aggressive for cleaning the car. While it can remove dirt and grease, it can also remove the protective waxes and coatings that protect your car's paint.

As a result, the color of the car is more exposed to the harmful effects of the sun, rain and other weather factors. Use a special car shampoo designed to clean without damaging the protective layers.

4. Windows and mirrors

Cleaning windows and mirrors with dish detergent is not recommended as it can leave behind films and stains. Dish detergents are not designed to clean glass, as they can leave residue that makes it difficult to rinse and polish completely.

To clean glass surfaces, use a dedicated glass cleaner that ensures a glossy and flawless surface.

Photo: envato

5. Floors and surfaces made of natural stone

Natural stone, such as granite, marble and slate, is sensitive to acids and strong cleaners. Dish detergent can damage protective coatings and cause the surface of the stone to become dull or discolored.

To clean natural stone, use mild cleaners designed for this type of surface to maintain its shine and protection.

6. Wooden floors and furniture

Dish detergent can damage wooden surfaces by removing the protective layers of oils and varnishes that protect the wood. This can lead to drying, cracking and fading of the wood.

Use cleaners specially designed for wood, which will preserve its natural appearance and protect it from damage.

7. Electronic devices

Cleaning electronic devices with dish detergent is dangerous. Water and strong cleaners can damage sensitive components and cause short circuits. Instead, use dry cloths or special electronics cleaners to safely remove dust and dirt.

It's dish detergent a versatile cleaning agent, but it should be used exclusively for washing dishes. Its use on other surfaces and objects may cause too bad or reduced functionality.

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