
7 things you should never say to a single 30-year-old

Let's be smart, keep our mouths shut and never say that to single 30-year-olds. This will cause more harm than good.

Once you turn 30 and are single at the same time, you people start treating differently. Well, or you just think so, because you also treat yourself differently. You have the feeling that you should have by now all things arranged – after your dream job, your husband should be waiting for you with dinner on the table and maybe one or two children too. The fact is, after working eight hours at a job you hate, you come to a cluttered apartment, where your couch, Floki the Maltese and the new episode of your favorite series are waiting for you.

Is it really that bad? There have always been ideas about what you should achieve in your 30s, but the vast majority of 30-year-old women are still single, there is nothing wrong with that. Nevertheless, it is good not to hear the following 7 statements, which can unnecessarily increase our burden.

1. "You have to have a baby before you turn 30."

Please? Are we forgetting that there are a lot of women in the world who have children in their late thirties or early forties and they lack absolutely nothing? Maybe it's really harder to have children then, but it's not impossible. It is better to meet someone who is right and have children and a happy marriage with him than to rush unnecessarily just so that we don't get caught in our thirties earlier.

2. "You can't wear this anymore."

Although a woman's body begins to undergo changes after the age of thirty, this does not mean that we have to change our clothing style as well. There is a belief in society that suddenly it is no longer acceptable to wear mini skirts and T-shirts and sexy clothes. But why not? If we feel good about something, restrictions do not make sense.

If we feel good about something, restrictions do not make sense.
If we feel good about something, restrictions do not make sense.

3. "Try to meet someone online."

Seriously? You think as a woman in my thirties I haven't come up with this idea yet? Many women try to meet people online, but they don't talk about it at length, but keep it to themselves. Apparently, these datings have not borne fruit so far, so she is still single.

4. "You're too picky."

When you're younger, everyone tells you that you shouldn't settle too quickly, but that you should find the right one for you and have high standards. Once you turn 30, the situation in the eyes of others obviously suddenly turns around. Now almost anyone should be suitable for you. Although it's true that having too high demands on what our partner should be is pointless, we shouldn't settle for something that doesn't make us happy just to have something.

We shouldn't settle for something that doesn't make us happy.
We shouldn't settle for something that doesn't make us happy.

5. "You're not a mother, so you don't understand."

We all know that caring for a child is a unique experience, which as a mother everyone knows better than someone who doesn't have children, but that doesn't mean everyone else is stupid. Most individuals can put themselves in someone else's shoes and try to help that person, so statements like this are rude and pointless.

6. "You won't meet your prince on a white horse at a disco."

Although this statement is probably true, it does not mean that we should not go to discos, have fun and dance with someone we will never see again. After all, you never know where love might be waiting for you.

"You won't meet your prince on a white horse at a disco."
"You won't meet your prince on a white horse at a disco."

7. "The fun birthday celebrations are over."

In the 20s, birthday parties are the craziest and often end with embarrassing photos, one-night stands and terrible headaches the next day. In your 30s, however, you feel that you need to calm down a bit and behave more maturely. Well, yes and no. You still have to have fun.

If you are a single woman in your 30s, then try similar statements from your grandmother or your upstairs neighbor prefer to overhear. There is only one life and your life is only yours, so live it don't waste it by stressing about what it should be.

Everyone else who has a friend or daughter who is still single, however avoid similar questions, because you will only upset her unnecessarily and put her in a bad mood. There is still time for everything, so there is no need to rush.

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