
7 weight loss tips that really work and don't have a yo-yo effect

Photo: envato

These weight loss tips are simple and you will have no problem following them every day. They will help you lose a few kilos without much effort. The biggest plus of this type of weight loss is that it does not have a yo-yo effect. It is a typical phenomenon of regaining kilograms, which occurs after the end of weight loss, especially when you want to quickly and drastically lose excess kilograms.

If you have decided to do something for your body yourself, it is important to follow the advice of experts. Below are 7 tips that will help you achieve your goals more easily. Of course, a lot also depends on you and your persistence.

1. Don't starve yourself

It sounds like a strange weight loss tip at first, but it's actually very important. Namely, be honest - strict diets often made you dizzy and very hungry! Namely, better like starving, it is important to focus to real foods that keep you full for a long time and have fewer calories. Fiber in whole grain products, as well as protein, provide a greater feeling of satiety. Therefore, reach for foods such as eggs, fish, dairy products, fruits and vegetables.

2. Boost your metabolism

Only when your metabolism is working properly can you lose weight. The best way to do this is to try incorporating some spices like ginger and chili into your diet. The right spices stimulate the metabolism, which is responsible for the production of energy. And this must be drawn from the reserves of your own body and not from food, so you lose some extra and unwanted calories.

3. Always eat above basal metabolic rate

Basal metabolism consumes as much as 70 % daily calories. That could be why greatest ally in successful weight loss. If you want to lose weight in the long term, you should achieve a caloric deficit without falling under basal metabolism. It is therefore a matter of energy consumption under certain conditions of rest. It is the amount of energy required to maintain all vital functions.

Basal metabolism is therefore the largest part of the energy, which you spend during the day and is thus one key factors how much food you should eat if you want to lose weight, gain weight or just maintain your weight. It is an individual value that can be determined by a medical examination.

According to research, the amount of food needed by most adults is somewhere between 1,400 and 1,900 kcal per day, depending on lifestyle, movement, etc. If you eat fewer calories, your body can switch to starvation, which reduces energy consumption and thus begins a vicious cycle of weight loss. That's why you should always keep an eye on your basal metabolism to lose weight gradually.

4. Don't give up food

Don't give up hanging out with friends or giving up certain foods just because they're unhealthy. There is nothing wrong with sinning at times.

All vices, such as pizza, chocolate, indulge in moderate amounts – but there are also much healthier versions than the ones you are used to. Your body communicates with you and always reminds you what you need and how you can get it. Eat what you crave, as long as it's real food, of course.


5. Reduce stress

Stress often affects unhealthy eating and unhealthy lifestyle. That's when people reach out a lot wrong and fast food, skip meals, don't drink enough fluids, etc.

Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the amount of stress that affects unconscious eating. This should not be an obstacle, because with various relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga or a walk you can do a lot for your health and thus reduce the amount of daily stress.


6. Never go to the store hungry

If you go to the store hungry, it can turn you into real "devouring monsters". Chocolate, sweets, ice cream are many high-calorie products that you will buy completely impulsively.

Scientists assume that the brain reacts more strongly to high-calorie food when it feels hungry. That's why it's important to shop don't go hungry because in this way you will avoid unnecessary caloric products.

7. Make sure you sleep

Perhaps the easiest tip for weight loss is to eat enough rest and sleep. With a lack of sleep, the body breaks down hormone balance. These hormones affect stress, increase fat deposits, increase appetite, etc.

Not getting enough sleep can weaken the part of the brain that controls decision-making. This puts you at a much greater risk of making bad decisions - of course also when it comes to nutrition. In order to balance the body's hormones, it is important to get quality sleep, at least seven hours a day.


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