
7 types of people who CHANGE the world. Are you among them?

7 types of people who CHANGE the world. Are you among them?

These 7 types of people who change the world are extremely important to society and each of us has at least some traits of such people. If they are not so pronounced, you can develop them to become so. What is your trump card?

Some people have some owithfacial features more pronounced, and in others a little less, or they don't have them at all. But people all their lives we learn, we are growing and we are developing. Even if you do not find yourself among the descriptions of the types of people at this moment, you can acquire and develop some traits of people during your life, that change the world. Do you want to be among them?

7 types of people who CHANGE the world:

The initiators

Some people are much more assertive and decisive than others. These are initiators who will always try to implement their ideas and the fear of failure rarely blocks them. These people are usually active, never bored and always involved in many projects and activities.


Healers, in contrast to initiators, are more calm. It is important for them to have time for themselves when they can connect with their being. Healers are extremely successful mediators, they are intuitive and empathic. They are often much more generous than they can afford, and their goal is always to maximize the good.

Healers, in contrast to initiators, are more calm.
Healers, in contrast to initiators, are more calm.


Catalysts are creative. They have a rare ability to recognize potential in others and unlock it. For this reason, they are often found in the roles of mentors. They are optimistic and enthusiastic. They are also good at communication and easily learn new things.


You will find defenders among environmental activists, animal rights defenders, defenders of the rights of minorities and stigmatized individuals. Protectors love nature and are connected to it on a deep level. Although basically peaceful, they are willing to fight for the things they believe in.

People who change the rules of the game.

These people are charming, independent, free and daring. They are not afraid to break the established rules... and when they get burned, they don't take it as something dramatic. They are determined and persistent. They understand how important it is to remain flexible and open to change throughout life. They do not like monotony and empty relationships.

People who change the rules of the game are independent, free and bold.
People who change the rules of the game are independent, free and bold.


These people are the ones we turn to when we are in need. They are reliable and loving. They find the most joy in caring for others. They are good at listening and comforting. They understand that sometimes life is painful, and that there is no better medicine than a hug and a handshake. They are excellent hosts and endlessly loyal friends.


Explorers are visionaries, tireless seekers of truth and lovers of adventure. They like to do the latter both in real life and through mental explorations of the unknown worlds of fiction, philosophy, and science. They love nature and their interests are wide. They feel most comfortable with people with whom they can engage in deep and meaningful debates.

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