
7 types of photos you must not look at after a breakup if you want to heal your heart as soon as possible

Does this sound familiar: you just broke up with your partner and very soon after that you found yourself in the grip of memories. That's when you reach for your phone and look at old photos and relive sweet memories of the days together. Pretending that you didn't love each other and that there was nothing between you makes no sense. However, it is also not healthy to indulge in nostalgia without control. Read the list of 7 types of photos you must not look at after a breakup if you want to heal your heart as soon as possible.

These are 7 types of photos you must not look at after a breakup if you want to heal your heart as soon as possible.

Vacation photos

Vacation photos probably contain the best moments of your relationship - when you were relaxed and had time for each other and for fun. Wait until you get over your partner at least a little before bringing up these memories.

Are you really that masochistic?
Are you really that masochistic?


Nothing hinders the healing of the heart more than looking at funny and love selfies.

Photos of his/her family

Sometimes when a relationship breaks up, we not only lose our partner, but also his or her family. If you fall into looking at these photos, he can quickly pull you back into the relationship.

Christmas photos

Christmas is a time of idyll. Perhaps your relationship was also at its best during this time. Seeing these photos can hurt you a lot.

Wait until you get over it at least a little
Wait until you get over it at least a little

Photos from the prom

If your partner was also your prom partner, you probably have a whole bunch of photos from that night. They were both especially beautiful then, in matching outfits. Don't look at these photos immediately after the breakup.

Wedding photos

Were you and your partner married? Wedding photos should wait a while.

Photos of the partner taken after the breakup

This advice can also be worded a little differently: avoid following your ex on social media. This will only put you in a bad mood and vulnerable position, and you both deserve space to start over.

Do not follow your partner on social networks
Don't follow your partner on social media.

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