
7. Vegafest 2019: learn about sustainable living!

7. Vegafest 2019: learn about sustainable living!

Vegans, vegetarians and all those who have been thinking about changing their eating habits for a long time will be in for a treat in May - the 7th Vegafest 2019 will take place in the heart of the capital, where you will not only taste environmentally and animal-friendly vegan of food, but also at the 50th stands met associations, companies, shops, restaurants and other providers of various products. Lectures, workshops, concerts and many other sustainable challenges await you.

Important information
Pogačarjev trg, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

The biggest festival of veganism Vegafest 2019 will already take place in the heart of the capital the seventh year and once again attracted vegans from all over Slovenia. Eating that is friendly to animals and the environment is practiced by individuals mainly because ethical reasons and Vegafest is the perfect place for such individuals to find products that they will enjoy without a guilty conscience. If you too have been thinking about changing your eating habits, make a note in your calendar May 4, when you get to know the world of veganism and sustainable living.

On Vegafest you will not merely tasted vegan dishes, but you will also be on 50. got to know different associations, companies, shops, restaurants and other providers to people at the stands, animal and environmentally friendly products.

Who says the vegan way of eating is boring?
Who says the vegan way of eating is boring?

The organizers will also prepare professional lectures that you will attend get to know the world of veganism. Cooking lovers will learn prepare delicious dishes at cooking workshops. If you practice the principle zero waste, you should also attend lectures on living without waste, where you will surely hear something new with which you can contribute to a better tomorrow.

Entry is free. All you need to bring to Vegafest is a good mood and a notepad to write everything down inspiring information about a sustainable lifestyle.

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