
7 ways to fight colds and flu naturally

When we get sick, time stops, hours seem like weeks, weeks seem like months. We can forget about recreation and socializing with friends, as we are condemned to agonizing rest in bed. February is definitely a time when we have to be especially careful so that something worse doesn't happen to us. If, despite all precautions, we are caught by the flu or a cold, we have some suggestions to help nip the illness in the bud.

So how do you get rid of the first signs of colds and flu?

1. We sleep almost sitting up.

During sleep, we support ourselves with as many pillows as possible, which will open our airways, enable better breathing and make sleep easier.

Let's open the airways with almost sitting sleep.
Let's open the airways with almost sitting sleep.

2. Treat yourself to a hot bath.

The steam will certainly help to eliminate the first signs of colds and flu, as hot and humid air is said to be even toxic for some viruses.

Let's take a hot bath.
Let's take a hot bath.

3. Let's drink a lot of water.

Sufficient hydration is key to our optimal well-being. If the water doesn't smell, ginger tea, lemonade and clear soup will also help to make you feel better.

Drink plenty of water and teas for adequate hydration.
Drink plenty of water and teas for adequate hydration.

4. Let's get some sleep.

Sleep is vital for our health. Studies show that people who sleep less than seven hours a day get sick much sooner than the same ones who indulge in at least eight hours of dreaming a night.

At least eight hours of sleep a night can save us many colds.
At least eight hours of sleep a night can save us many colds.

5. Reach for vitamin C.

Enjoy as many citrus fruits, pineapples, cabbage and broccoli as possible.

Let's reach for vitamin C.
Let's reach for vitamin C.

6. Gargle with salt water.

If we have a sore throat, gargle with salt water, which will naturally ease the pain. Salt will reduce inflammation and destroy bacteria and viruses. Half a teaspoon of salt and a large glass of warm water will be a suitable combination.

Gargling with salt water helps with a sore throat.
Gargling with salt water helps with a sore throat.

7. Let's eat food that improves our immune resistance.

Yogurt, garlic, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, oatmeal, salmon and nuts will definitely help us feel better.

We reach for food that will improve our resistance.
We reach for food that will improve our resistance.

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