
7 ways to be an even better friend to your partner

Photo: IG couples4lovers

How to be a true friend to your partner?

A partner who has chosen to be a part of your life is a gift. And if it gives you the peace, security, direction and respect you seek then you have something worth nurturing!

1. Ask them more questions about their past

Also, if you think you know it all, assume you don't.

Imagine that there is a territory that you have not yet known. They may tell you the same stories over and over again, but they may add other details that weren't there before.

2. Take responsibility for your part

You have to be willing to admit where you're not at your best, or that you're not being who you want to be.

Find something you can take responsibility for and work on to grow personally and collectively. There is power in working together for the same purpose, even if in different ways.

3. Ask them how their day was

Over time, you enter a monotony where you know the basic routine of your partner and you no longer discuss the details as you used to.

Assume that there's always something your partner wants to share with you about their day—even if it wasn't anything special.

4. Find new ways to open up to your partner

Maybe try to pay more attention to their love language and only yours. You may open up to him even more emotionally and physically. As you share new experiences and milestones, your relationship can open up and rise to new levels.

5. You know the difference between spending time together and quality time

It could be that they are either spending too much time together or not having enough quality time together. It's important that you and your partner feel comfortable, so you can sometimes do nothing all day.

The connection needs to be stimulated from time to time so that things don't become stagnant or repetitive. Quality time makes you feel valued, heard and seen. It is a time that is different from the normal routine.

6. Identify your role.

Your role may depend on your partnership, but all healthy relationships have one thing in common - values. Your job is to support, listen, forgive and be your best friend.

7. Be on the same dream team

Make sure you aspire to the same things in the future. Be a visionary. Find things that you talk about, think about, about - that gives impetus to your future!

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