
7 ways to say "I love you" even when you're arguing

Never let anger ruin your relationship!

Your partner's happiness is simply lost during an argument and never to be found. Instead of letting your anger destroy your relationship, improve your communication skills and find ways to argue in a more loving way. Here are 7 ways to how to say "I love you" even when you're angry to your loved one and there is a storm over you.

Take a minute/Give a minute

Go for a walk, go to another room, do whatever you need to do to calm down. Stop and think before you speak because you won't be able to take your words back. At the end of the day, your relationship is too important to let your anger destroy it.

When we are stressed, we hyperventilate or breathe excessively, which can cause panic-like symptoms. Don't forget, the goal is to achieve with your partner an agreement. So calm down, stop, take a deep breath and relax during the conversation.

Remember, the goal is to reach an agreement with your partner.
Remember, the goal is to reach an agreement with your partner.

Sleep over

Sometimes one of you, maybe both of you, just needs a break from talking. One of the most loving things you can do is to give to another person you let him process it all and sleep. If you never go to bed angry, try to agree that once you've slept over the matter, you'll bring it up again and discuss it.

You have to be a very strong person to do this, but it's worth remembering: you love each other, and that's the most important thing. Tomorrow will be soon and believe me they will find a solution.

Never say, "I love you, but..."

If we remind our partner that we love him during an argument, we show him that we love him our love is much bigger than the fight. However, try to avoid the word "but".

So if you're going to say "I love you", just say it. But instead of saying: "I love you, but you have to change this and that," rather try with: "I love you and I want us to find a way to solve this together."

Say you're sorry for your contribution to the argument

It helps a lot to reduce negative tension your admission that you too are wrong. There are two sides to every story and most situations are not the fault of a single person. So if you say you're sorry for your part in the fight, you'll be in trouble strengthened trust and peace.

And if you're the first to do it, you'll really show your partner how much you care. They will resolve the situation much faster, as they will break through their defensive wall.

Say you're sorry for your contribution to the argument.
Say you're sorry for your contribution to the argument.

Keep your ego locked up

It's so easy to get defensive and be mean, even if you didn't want to do it in the first place. Commit to listening without thinking ahead. Tell your loved one that you do you understand her point of view, and try to find some agreement as soon as possible. Find out what you both agree on and go from there.

Show affection

Show your loved one that you still love them with physical contact, especially during an argument. They agree on this in advance - so that they will showed each other that they love each other, in good times and bad. This will remind you that love conquers all, even an ugly fight.

Try using technology to show you care

Send a message with kind and warm words and show love even when you are on the war footing. Don't overdo it, because the last thing you want is to send mixed signals. Keep it simple, something along the lines of "I adore you" or "You mean everything in the world to me".

Don't start begging for forgiveness, and don't try to prove yourself right. This will only inflame everything, it can only get worse. It is important that you solve such things personally, because you have to hear the tone of voice, see facial expressions and emotions.

Send a message with kind and warm words and show love, even when you're on a fighting foot.
Send a message with kind and warm words and show love, even when you are on a fighting foot.

It's not easy to love when you're angry. After all, anger is one of the most powerful human emotions! Will you let love shine even when it rains in your relationship?

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