
7 women's hairstyles that age you: How to avoid them?

A fashion faux pas that can cost you your youthful appearance

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Photo: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio

In the world of fashion and beauty, anything is possible. While the right hairstyle can bring out your best features, choosing the wrong one can quickly add years to your age. And no, we are not talking about those beautiful gray locks that many women wear with pride. These are the hairstyles that age you! We are talking about hairstyles that may have been popular in the past, but today they have become outdated and inappropriate.

These are haircuts, which make you old! Hairstyles are like clothes. Some become classics, while others quickly become obsolete. Although it is Farrah Fawcett in the 1970s and 1980s, she made her mark with her feathered hairstyle, today this style is recognizable as a "hairstyle from the past". And who would have thought that, for example, long, straight hair can also make the face look older? While many associate long hair with youth, overly straight hair can emphasize wrinkles and lack of volume. Of course, it's not all about length. Even short, spiky hairstyles can add years. And while thin bangs may look cute on twenty-somethings, they can accentuate forehead wrinkles on older women.

We present to you 7 women's hairstyles that age you!

#1 Farrah Fawcett - Disco Classic

Farrah Fawcett marked the fashion scene in the 70s and 80s with her signature feathered hairstyle, which became a real fashion sensation. Many women opted for this bold style back then and, ironically, many of them have remained true to it to this day. Of course, who wouldn't want to keep a piece of their youth? However, this haircut has become a real "criminal" in the world of fashion, as it inexorably adds a few extra years to women. As master stylist and national educator for Loreal says: Katja Ferenga "An outdated hairstyle can age a woman - like feathered bangs from the 80s." Well ladies, it might be time to say goodbye to the past and feathered bangs and head to the salon for something new. After all, who wants to look like a disco queen from the last century?

#2 Close crops – very short women's haircut

Photo: envato elements

Although a super short haircut may seem like a low-maintenance alternative to longer pixie cuts, this style can greatly accentuate the signs of aging. With no hair to distract from fine lines, uneven skin or wrinkles, this hairstyle can age you in an instant.
However, this does not mean that you should necessarily avoid all short haircuts in order not to look older. "If a woman doesn't have the time or skills to style her hair, she should consider a slightly shorter haircut to take as little work as possible," say experts.
Well ladies, maybe it's time to get rid of that long hair that we never seem to manage and go for something more practical. But, ironically, while we strive for practicality, we may not realize that we have actually added a few years. Who would have thought that a short haircut could become our worst enemy in the fight against aging? Well, at least doing your hair in the morning will be faster!

#3 Long hair - too long straight hair without volume

Photo: envato elements

Although many people associate long hair with youth, straight and long hair can actually make you look older than you really are. Perfectly straight hair brings your face to the fore – including all those tiny wrinkles you're trying to hide. Straight hair also looks less voluminous than hair with some body, mimicking the natural loss of volume that usually accompanies the aging process.

h2>#4 Eye-length bangs - your trademark?!

Photo: envato elements

Eye-length bangs are like those high heels in the closet – they look great, but they're not always the most practical. When we are younger, these bangs add a touch of playfulness to our look. However, when trying to take a few years off the look, those same bangs seem to act as a magnifying glass for every wrinkle around the eyes. As our grandmothers would say: "Everything that is too much is not good." And maybe it's time to listen to this sage advice and say goodbye to those bangs. After all, who needs bangs that act as a signpost for every little wrinkle?

#5 Bouffants – bouffant hairstyles filled with hairspray

Photo: Pexels / Ferdinand Studio

Bouffants, ah, a throwback to a time when payphones were still a thing and when women spent hours in front of the mirror to get their hairstyles to the perfect height. Although this look was the height of fashion half a century ago, today it may be more suitable for theme parties than everyday life. If you're still going to the hairstylist wanting this hairstyle, you might be traveling a little too far in time. Taping and varnishing – the two key components to achieving this look – are almost as outdated as vinyl records. Of course, everything is coming back, but maybe bouffants need a little more time before they are "in" again. Until then… maybe try something more modern?

#6 Front Flip – inverted hair in the front part

Photo: envato elements

The front flip, also known as a “front flip”, is a mini version of the bouffant that was popularized in the early 2000s. Ah, memories of the days when low-waisted jeans and oversized sunglasses were the biggest hit. Although this hairstyle was once considered the pinnacle of style, today it works like a trip into a time machine that puts you directly into the "pop princess" era. And not only is the trend outdated, this style relentlessly accentuates the forehead and eye area, meaning all wrinkles and crow's feet are front and center. So, if you want your forehead crease to be the center of attention, this is the haircut for you. But if you're looking for something more flattering… maybe it's time for a change!

#7 Very light hair - ages any woman

Photo: envato elements

Ultra bright blonde color can be very attractive, but it is not always the best choice for everyone. While many women think that lighter hair color means they look younger, they can quickly find themselves in a situation where their new hair color accentuates every wrinkle and irregularity in their skin. In addition, a light blonde color with an unwanted gray shade can quickly turn out to be more of a "winter queen" than a "summer nymph". So maybe it's time to think about whether ultra-light blonde is really the right choice for us, or maybe we should consider a warmer, more natural shade. After all, the right hair color is the one that emphasizes our natural beauty and gives us confidence.

These are the hairstyles that age you!

Fortunately, this doesn't mean you have to give up long hair just because you're getting older. "Women can start wearing hair accessories," experts say. Well ladies, if you can't beat nature, outsmart her! Why fight with your own hair when you can achieve the perfect look with the help of hair accessories? Ironically, sometimes what we think rejuvenates us actually does the opposite. So why not experiment a bit and play around with different styles? You might be surprised by the results!

But don't worry, it's not all bleak! There are many modern and trendy hairstyles that can enhance your beauty and hide the unwanted signs of aging. The key is flexibility and openness to new styles. And if in doubt, consult your hairdresser. As fashion guru Anna Wintour says: “Create your own style and keep it.

Whether you're a fan of long hair or swear by short haircuts, it's important to choose a style that suits you best and accentuates your natural beauty. And remember, the best hairstyle is the one you wear with confidence and pride!

Final tip: If you want to try something new, don't be afraid to experiment. You might be surprised how a new haircut can change your look and boost your confidence.

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