
8 bad love advice you get from others: it's not all about the rules!

You are the maker of your own luck, so take a good look at the rules that others have told you to follow in a relationship and reformulate them if necessary. Which 8 rules can you break in a relationship to be happier?

When you make or see a series of mistakes in a relationship, there are more chances that you learn which rules are good for a relationship and do your best to live by them. But let's be realistic. Most of the advice may be out of date and not suitable for all types of situations we may find ourselves in. That's why these rules can you wisely study and transform them according to your situation. Which 8 rules can you break to be happier?

Rule 1: Wait for him to make the first move.

Whether it's in bed or in a relationship, a better rule of thumb—that shows you're grown up—is this: If you feel like you want something, don't let that rule stop you. Don't wait for him to make the first move or do certain things every time.

Rule 2: Be best friends.

While it's true that your best friends are the first people you go to when you're in trouble and need help, you don't have sex with your best friends. Above all, be his girlfriend.

You don't have sex with your best friend.
You don't have sex with your best friend.

Rule 3: Be 100% honest with each other.

If you tell your boyfriend that he's a bad lover and that you hate his clothes just because you're an honest person, your relationship won't last. So if you would like to be with him as long as possible, choose the right moments and the right words when you want to tell him something.

Rule 4: Arguing

Even couples in the longest and strongest relationships fight. However, this does not mean that you and your boyfriend have to fight about every thing where you disagree. Arguments can be very tiring and not as healthy as some might claim. But more importantly, realize that there are much better and wiser ways to solve your problems.

If you know you're going to talk nonsense, don't argue.
If you know you're going to talk nonsense, don't argue.

Rule 5: Giving ultimatums when necessary.

If you want your boyfriend to choose between you and his mother, friends, pet, or other thing that you consider more important than you, you think the only solution is an ultimatum. But don't be fooled. This will probably just force him to do something he doesn't want to do, and he'll probably resent you for it. Is this really a situation you would like to be in?

Rule 6: Make yourself hard to reach.

Your boyfriend's brain is programmed to hunt, but he's probably told you before, it's not much fun when you play the "hard-to-reach card". That doesn't mean she should take things easy. He still has some things to worry about, but they will be available to him when you really are.

If you really are "available", be available to him.
If you are really "available", be available to him.

Rule 7: Never go to bed angry.

Staying awake to solve your own problems, knowing that you won't exactly be responsible for the things that fly out of your mouth, is not the move of a wise, grown woman. Instead, jump into bed and get some sleep - this will save you and your boyfriend unnecessary drama and sleepless nights. You'll be surprised how much wiser you'll be the next morning.

Rule 8: Never plan sex.

Since you only live once, you should have sex with your boyfriend whenever and wherever possible. This idea is very hot, but too hot to make it happen in real life. Before you fall prey to unbearable time, reserve time to exchange tenderness.

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