
8 lies the beauty industry tells us: we all believe at least one of them

Photo: Anastasiya/Pexels

The beauty industry has become a real art, as it always tempts us with promises of youthful glow, flawless skin and instant transformations. But beneath the glamorous facade are some of the misconceptions this industry offers us. In this post, we will explore the common lies told by the beauty industry and reveal the real facts behind them.

The beauty industry, while brilliant and innovative, it has its fair share of misconceptions. As consumers, it is essential that we correctly and expediently navigate between all the beauty ideals presented to us by the industry and the media.

remember to that beauty in that, to embrace your unique qualities and enhance your natural radiance instead of chasing unattainable ideals.

Photo: Andrea/Pexels

Lie #1: Newer is always better

While new beauty products are constantly hitting the shelves, it's important to remember that the newest isn't always the best. Tried solutions like retinol have stood the test of time for a reason. Although it was discovered almost 30 years ago for anti-aging use and it still remains the gold standard, people still have age wrinkles.

Photo: Paukshtite/Pexels

Lie #2: Product claims are always true

Not all product claims can be taken seriously, especially those from non-EU countries. However, any company that sells cosmetics in the EU must be able to show and prove claims about the effects of their products. For example, if a manufacturer claims that their sunscreen provides a high level of protection, they must be able to scientifically prove their claim and provide test results upon request.

Photo: Grabowska/Pexels

Lie #3: Losing weight is easy

The weight loss industry often sells quick fixes, but the reality is that sustainable weight loss takes time and commitment. Gradual progress is key, and the temptation to reward yourself with extra food after a workout can derail your goals.

Photo: Alexandra/Pexels

Lie #4: Trends follow the seasons

One of the main reasons people are drawn to seasonal beauty trends is the opportunity for self-expression, excitement for new things, as beauty trends offer a sense of excitement and anticipation, as well as fostering a sense of community and connection between beauty and fashion enthusiasts. The exchange of tips, tricks and experiences related to seasonal trends has become a widespread social activity.

Photo. Repose/Unsplash

Lie #5: Cheaper products are inferior

High prices do not always correlate with product quality. Expensive products may boast exotic ingredients, but their effectiveness is often not scientifically proven. In general, the cheaper products cannot be compared with the established and popular products of recognized brands, but they can still offer very solid care, especially from the point of view of basic skin care.

Photo: Vlad/Unsplash

Lie #6: Rejuvenating treatments

Men and women all over the world are using a wide variety of anti-aging treatments, and all this just goes to show that people would do anything to maintain a youthful appearance. The obsession with antiaging treatments is a multifaceted phenomenon based on societal pressures, personal desires for self-improvement, and the ever-evolving beauty industry.

Photo: Gustavo/Pexels

Lie #7: Products by gender

Gender is not a major factor in skin care. Instead, focus on individual skin conditions. Both men and women can have similar skin care needs, such as dry or sensitive skin. Tailor your products to your skin, not your gender.

Photo: Imdb

Lie #8: You can look like a celebrity

Celebrities, who are often at the forefront of new beauty trends, have a significant influence on the public's perception of beauty ideals. While we're often tempted to believe celebrity-endorsed products, the truth is that they have a team of experts at their disposal, and to achieve their red carpet look, you need more than just face cream.

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