
8 possible reasons why a man changes after you sleep with him

Believe it or not, quite a few reasons depend on how the male brain works.

Was he a true gentleman, holding your hands, kissing you goodnight, and texting you later? You slowly decided that it was time for you to get to know each other between the sheets as well. It seems to you that there is not a single thing that could go wrong. You like each other and you think that things can only get better when your bodies are finally united. The last thing you expected was for him to back off.

Whether you've been together for a while or it's a casual romance, there's a chance that a man will change after you sleep with him. There are many reasons and some may surprise you.

Here are 8 possible reasons why a man changes when you sleep with him for the first time.

1. A cocktail of hormones changed his brain

Hormones are responsible for making you find the person you slept with more attractive and feel completely connected to them. In other words, these chemicals make you want it even more. All day you want to make love to her, feel her body next to yours. Your emotions, lust and feelings merge into one. The cocktail of hormones is a potent mix that can leave you feeling confused at times. Maybe it was going on in his mind that made him afraid of his feelings and withdraw.

2. He just wanted to sleep with you

One of the most common reasons men lose interest after you sleep with them is because that's all they ever wanted. Women have a hard time accepting the fact that a man made such an effort around them just because he only wanted one thing. His behavior convinced you that he wanted something more, so you responded to him and ended up feeling disappointed.

Man, this is a very cowardly act. If you are only interested in one thing, then tell the woman that. Don't be a player because the world is already full of them. Make a change. Be different. Remember, one day the same may happen to you.

3. Lack of chemistry

Chemistry is one of the most important things in relationships and dating. It is a feeling of strong attraction, both psychological and physical. Then the bodies start talking and each touch turns into small, invisible fireworks. Sometimes it's hard to tell if you have chemistry or not. If a man feels that you are not a match (that there is no real chemistry between you), he will withdraw.

4. He feels scared

He may have trust issues or a fear of commitment. He feels completely terrified. When he likes a woman, he will literally freeze for a moment. He will either leave or be confused. One day he'll be all loving and caring, and the next he'll act like he barely knows you. If you notice this pattern, then you know why he changed - he feels scared that something more is going to happen, that he will bond.

5. He feels the pressure

Maybe you are already ready for a serious relationship, but he is still trying to figure out his feelings and what exactly he wants. During this period, he can act completely confused, so you might lose your temper and start forcing him to tell you what is going on. If you do, he will feel the pressure, which will cause even more confusion. A man under pressure usually does not do what he is forced to do. He will turn into a man who rarely ever calls or texts you.

This applies to both men and women. If someone forces us to do something, 99 percent of the time we will act like little children and not do it.

6. He doesn't want to give you the wrong idea

A man assumes that you are in love with him, but he is not into you. He knows that if he continues to sleep with you, you will demand answers from him. If a man knows that he is not interested in something serious, he will withdraw. He'll stop making contact and you'll start overthinking everything. Or he'll keep seeing you and you'll know something's up. And if you want answers, he will make excuses or lie.

7. You assume things

Women tend to assume things before they even happen. This is not necessarily a bad thing because this way you are always prepared for all possible scenarios. But sometimes this way your life can turn into hell. You can become your own worst enemy. The man you slept with probably stayed the same as he was, but you don't want to see that because you have created your own assumptions, your own truth.

8. You changed, not him

Women release more of the hormone oxytocin than men, which means that they become more attached to the other person during intercourse. Men, on the other hand, are more oriented towards pleasure. Of course, both men and women feel pleasure during lovemaking, but women are more inclined to get attached to the person they sleep with. So there is a good chance that you changed after sleeping with this man, not him. Of course, that doesn't mean men can't bond. You can, but most of them can only feel satisfaction.

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