
8 reasons why your 30s are better than your twenties

Believe me, the thirties are better than the twenties.

Let's face it. Things in our lives change drastically once we step into our thirties. It is an important turning point. Relative carelessness replaces responsibility and society expects us to have things in our lives as much as possible in our heads by then. Of course, the reality is often quite different, which is why many people don't want to grow up. But the thirties are actually much better than the twenties. Find out why below.

Many things change in life after once we are no longer 20-something years old. But it changes not only our appearance, but also our attitude towards life, to things that are important to us, to family... When we are twenty, we think we understand and know everything. It's true that life is much easier then, because we don't have as much responsibility as later in life, but only in our thirties does a picture of the meaning and essence of life really crystallize for us and it becomes clear to us that in our twenties we couldn't be more wrong about certain things .

READ MORE: 10 everyday things you never knew the meaning of

Things do change, but because changes happen gradually, we only really perceive them when we look at everything from a distance.

8 reasons why your 30s are better than your twenties:

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