
8 Reasons Why You Should Love Your Enemies

"Do I not destroy my enemies when I turn them into friends?" - Abraham Lincoln

We all have enemies, people who take pleasure in causing us pain and suffering. Sometimes hatred arises as a result of certain differences in characters, or events that led to such behavior. But sometimes some people hate us for no reason.

No matter how you got your enemy, don't begrudge or fight them, but rather find out why you should actually appreciate your enemies.

Read, you are the secret of why you love your enemies.

1. Learn to manage your anger

Your enemies are the best people who will help you understand your feelings and give you strength to manage anger. They bring out the bad in you, but they can help you in your efforts to control that anger. You can't really be mad at someone you love. It is only when you are truly angry that you learn how to manage your feelings and anger.

Anger management is more effective when it is practiced rather than theory. Your enemies are like therapists that you need but don't really want. They offer you an opportunity to control your anger impulse.

2. They awaken competitiveness

You may not know it yet, but your enemies are great rivals, because they awaken a fighting rival in you. They give you the motivation to compete and this can give you a big push to win. Just make sure you don't become a worse version of yourself during the competition. Be careful not to harm yourself and your morals.

3. Negative comments change you

Your enemies usually have nothing good to say about you. But no matter how much hate there is in them, there could be some truth in what they say.

Remember when you hear negative comments, something evil or ugly from your enemy, take a step back and look at yourself. Chances are, what he's saying is true in some way, and facing that fact is an important step in helping you become a better person. This is further proof that your enemies can be your therapists in a way.

4. They are your allies

If you love your enemies, it can also mean that you are you strive for interaction and peace with them. If you can establish some common ground and patch things up, you will be able to make a friend. And who doesn't need friends? This can also help you in the long run when working with people.

5. You realize the power of positivity

In the mass of negativity, every dot of positivity always finds a way. Sometimes enemies will help you to focus on many positive and good things, who are in your life. You often neglect what is really important in life. This may be due to excessive worry, perhaps also due to your enemies. However, this realization can also encourage you to take a step back and start appreciating the good things and people around you.

6. It's all just a misunderstanding

Sometimes the reason you have an enemy is something meaningless, simple. You may not even know what is causing this hostile attitude. Just approach them, let them help you understand the reason for this.

7. Appreciate love

Constantly pointing out the fact that there are enemies will also help you, yes you don't take those who love you for granted. Love and hate are two opposing emotions, and one can momentarily overshadow the other. Although you will always have haters, there will always be people who love you. Never let the hatred your enemies project onto you get you.

8. Do you really need the hate?

The truth is that enemies bring toxic emotions and cause bad reactions. If you really want to live a successful life, you can't carry all this baggage with you. Hate is bad and try everything to get rid of it. Drop the baggage, because hate is the greatest form of emotional baggage.

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