
8 reasons why you're single even though you're a good catch

Photo: envato

Are you a single woman? There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Everything comes at the right time. He too!

You've probably already experienced a bunch of questions, like why you're still single, how come you don't have anyone, what are you waiting for, and so on. There are many realistic reasons why some people are single, even though they are a great catch - smart, talkative, independent, fun and interesting. Here are the reasons why you are still single.

You're not ready for a relationship yet

You are not ready for the changes that partnership brings. And why would you force yourself into something you're not entirely sure about? Not ready? Nothing to worry about, everything happens in its own time!

You don't believe he really exists

You see no reason why you should settle down. You no longer believe in true and lasting love. On the one hand, you hope that HE is there for you somewhere, and therefore you don't settle for less. You know exactly what you want in a partner. Someone who will be you as you are.

You don't believe in fleeting relationships

You see no reason why you should be in a relationship where you have to adapt to someone else. Waiting for him to call, to write, to take time... A partnership is caring and spending time - together. You want to find that true love and you are willing to wait for it. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

You want to focus on yourself first

First of all, you want to know yourself, what you want, what you need. How do you feel and in what direction do you want to develop your love life before you are ready to share your life with someone. You don't think it's fair to be with someone while you're still looking for yourself.

You want to focus on yourself first.
You want to focus on yourself first.

Your confidence is frightening

You are a person who knows her worth. And such women are often feared by men, they are difficult to approach. Men actually cannot stand the fact that a woman is more successful and stronger than them. Only the brave and self-confident dare to approach such women.

You don't need a man to value yourself

You don't need a man to perfect you. Your life doesn't revolve around finding someone. There are definitely times when you think how good it would be to have someone, but you're not focused on that. You just live your life to the fullest and know that everything will happen when the time comes.

You're too busy with life

You have a job you love. You are improving in this area, visiting new places, socializing with people... Your schedule and day is completely full and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. After all, who knows who you might meet on one of your business trips?

Men run away from responsibilities

Fleeting relationships are often preferred over regular relationships. Maybe for some it's fun to just have casual adventure and sex. A real man is not afraid of commitment and it is right that you wait for him.

You don't need a man to value yourself.
You don't need a man to value yourself.

A successful and independent woman is aware of her worth and expects exactly that from the man who will conquer her or has conquered her.

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