
8 reminders that it's okay to not always be in the mood for sex

Photo:Ava Sol on Unsplash

Your body, your choices.

Never, ever let anyone force you into things you don't want to do. The right person has accepted you for who you are, even if you ever say no to them.

1. If you're with the right person, they won't mind if you reject them.
They will understand that you will not always be in the mood. They will accept your no without pressuring you to do anything else or trying to influence you to change your mind.

2. The right person will love more than just your body.
They will be happy to have the opportunity to spend time with you, even if sex is not involved. They will love to talk as much as they love to kiss.

3. Sex is best when you're passionate about it.
But if you're not really in the mood, then sex isn't going to be that good anyway. You don't want one person enjoying it and the other waiting for it to end. You want both of you to have a good time.

4. If you feel that the person will leave you if you refuse to have sex with them, then you are with the wrong person.
Furthermore, sexuality should not be used for negotiation. You should not have an unspoken agreement that you will have sex with them as long as they stay with you. Sexuality won't make them love you or treat you better. If you think sex is the only reason they stay, then you need to leave.

5. You should not compare your sex life with others; neither with fresh nor with long-term couples.
You should also not compare your current sex life with your old sex life. Even if you haven't had much sex lately, it doesn't mean that something is wrong. This may mean that both of you have been busy lately. This may mean that your priorities in marriage are changing. Relationships are constantly changing, so by next month you might be doing it every day all over again.

A real partner understands you, even when you say no.
6. You're not a bad partner if you're not in the mood for sex
You don't let them down if you're not in the mood for sex. There's nothing wrong with not always being in the mood for sex.

7. Your sex life is between you and your partner.
It's nobody else's business. You don't need to share stories with your friends. You can keep your private life private. Your friends don't need to know everything.

8. Sex is not the most important thing in the world.
However, it is important that you and your significant other are on the same page. If they are unhappy with their sex life, then talk about it. Maybe you can spice things up. Maybe you can come up with a solution. Or break up.

But if you are still happy together, then don't keep track of how many times a week you have sex. Not relevant.

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