
8 rules that guarantee a good life: while everyone cheats, you play fair!

You write pages in the book of your life yourself. So don't leave anything to chance and try to ensure a good life for yourself!

With these eight rules, you will achieve a happy life!

1. You develop every day

We all like to talk about how we develop, how we grow, how we learn something new every day, ... But how much truth is there in this? Very few people actually work on themselves, i.e. learn new languages, develop new skills, ...
Your goal can be to exercise regularly, save money for the future, read two to three books a month, get up early every day and find new hobbies that will excite you!

2. Evil for evil is always evil. Good to evil? Hope!

If someone insults or hurts you, don't pay back. Grow past this childish nonsense and show your maturity! If they lie to you, tell the truth, if they deceive you, play fair! The most important thing is to sleep peacefully, everything else is not important.

3. Get rid of bad habits

It's time to stop smoking, stop drinking alcohol, and stop guessing other devils. Take care of your health! Don't wait until the new year, do it NOW!

You are developing every day!
You are developing every day!

4. Make wise decisions

If you feel tired and exhausted every day, without ideas and willpower, it's time to change something in your life. If you can't change your job, change your behavior at work!

5. Business is not just about money

Try not to look at business as an inflow of money. What are your contributions to society? Do you help someone with your business? That's the point you're forgetting!

6. Balance yourself spiritually, emotionally and physically

Everything is in perfect harmony. For a peaceful life, try to allocate time between these three aspects of life.

It balances spiritually, emotionally and physically.
It balances spiritually, emotionally and physically.

7. In life, it is much more important to give than to receive

That moment when you realize that everything doesn't just revolve around you and that there is someone out there who lives an even worse life than you have, that's when you REALLY start LIVING. Until then you were ignorant.

8. Decide to have dinner with your family every night

Family is the most important thing in our life. Try to spend as much time as possible with your family members, those who love you and whom you love too. If you decide to spend your free time with them, you will never regret it. These are the most precious moments in your life.

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