
8 signs it's time to leave a (failed) relationship

Continue the relationship or leave?

After many dates, long weekends and amazing sex, you met his friends, he met yours. You do everything together and are in a happy and almost idyllic relationship. There's just one little thing, this constant feeling that you can't talk about the future with them.

You get to the point where you would do anything and be anywhere just to make another person happy. With small gestures, you are letting them know that you are fully into the relationship and that you have invested your time and love in your relationship and future.

How they react to it tells you everything you need to know about a future with them.

Here are 8 things you should pay special attention to. If things keep happening, then it's time to talk... And if the conversation doesn't work, then maybe it's best to leave such a (failed) relationship.

When is it time to leave?

1. If the idea of being without you is acceptable to them, then let them.

2. If they see you're upset and don't feel like doing everything they can to change it, let them.

3. If you take the time to make future plans that include the other person and they don't do it in return, let them go.

4. If you feel like you're always giving and getting nothing in return, let them go.

5. If you get to the point where you always have to initiate the conversation about where the relationship is going, let them.

6. If they never use the word "we", let them.

7. If you subconsciously know you're wasting your time, if your intuition tells you to run away, let them go.

8. If you're afraid to tell them you love them, walk away. This is not easy. You will tell yourself that you didn't give yourself enough time, that if you persist, they will feel the same as you. Not at all.

Remember: no matter how you feel about the other person or how painful it will be if the answer is different than what you expected, you should never settle down with someone you don't believe in, don't trust, and feel like could leave at any time.

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