
8 situations when we lose our sanity and start buying things we don't need

Everyone is familiar with the situation when you go to the store to buy one food, but you return home with a bag full of goodies. And you're lucky if you bought what you went to the store for in the first place. Why does this keep happening to us?

Modern society is heavily subject to consumption. People never seem to be like that shopped en masse like today. Nshopping centers are full, products are 'protruding' from carts, and wallets are getting thinner.

Although we have practically everything, what we need to live, we always seem to be missing something. And so we actually buy what which we don't need at all. They explain this strange phenomenon different theories that also teach you how to prevent such behavior.

Diderot effect

Diderot effect.
Diderot effect.

When you buy a new thing, this usually creates a feeling, that all other things look 'worn out' compared to this thing, so you want to replace everything you have with a new one. But when you see the new thing you buy, the thing you bought before will become old. It is an amazing process in which every new thing turns other things into old things and requires replacement.

This effect got its name from the French to the philosopher Denis Diderot – he was never rich, but once he got a lot of money and bought a scarlet dress. This outfit was so different from his other clothes that it made him, to replace all his old clothes with new ones.

How to fight this?

Before you buy a certain item, try to figure out what your expectations are. Do you want a certain thing because because you need it, or because you dream of certain things.

The snob effect

When you buy things that others don't just because you want to stand out, you are subject to the snob effect. Many people want to be the center of attention, and new clothing is one of the best ways to achieve this.

How to fight this?

Make a list of things, v which ones you are good at and which ones you are proud of. Clothing is not the only way how to attract attention, but it can also be your pleasant personality or good conversation.

Bandwagon effect

Bandwagon effect.
Bandwagon effect.

The bandwagon effect is just that the opposite of the snob effect. It is a situation when a person buys a thing because it is in fashion and everyone has it. This product it may not suit you or your lifestyle, but buy it to be trendy.

How to fight this?

Before you buy, ask yourself: “Why do I want to buy the item??” Maybe you have a certain thing really like or maybe you are influenced by other people.

Things for the future

We are people apparently optimistic, so we sometimes buy clothes for the future because we think it will motivate us to lose weight. Or we buy special shoes that we will wear for a special occasion.

How to fight this?

Shopping pieces for the future won't change your body 'by itself', but as you know, you have to work for it. For the future you so eagerly await, you will have to do something.

Impulse shopping

Impulse shopping.
Impulse shopping.

Impulse buying is often the result your emotions. You had a bad day and decided to you will go to your favorite store where you buy something because of your emotions. You're happy because you bought something new, aren't you? the excitement will last until you forget about the thing you bought or realize that you spent a lot.

How to fight this?

It's an impulse buy the result of a lack of positive emotions. Try to find an activity, which will help you fight against your bad mood, fatigue and stress.

Subliminal retail tricks

Pleasant music, warm colors and the smell of home - all of this affects us when we enter the store. Let's relax, forget about time and start shopping.

How to fight this?

The best way to one way to combat retail gimmicks is to listen to music on headphones. Also avoid going to trade hungry.



Discount is one of them of the most common reasons why people buy things they don't need. Merchants offer discounts, which are only valid for one day. It seems like a bargain, so we buy things we don't need.

How to fight this?

Limit the space in which you keep your belongings.

Pushy salespeople

Many sellers know how to earn your trust. They can convince you that one the product is not good, but the other one is much better. Because they know product quality, they will find something for you that you have been dreaming about for a long time.

How to fight this?

Always keep in mind, what you intend to buy. Sales assistants first contact those customers who who can't decide which item to buy - it's easier to convince such people to buy the item based on their recommendation.

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