
8 Small (But Amazing) Ways Your Sexuality Changes When You're in a Long-Term Relationship

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio - Pexels

When you trust your partner, anything is possible!

Love is not simple, it is a mixture of everything, it is a rainbow. And when you realize that the right partner is by your side, an ocean of relaxed intimate activities opens up before you.

1. You stop using protection

When you are in a long-term relationship, you and your partner completely trust each other. You feel emotionally safe with him because you are both committed to each other. This change is actually a game changer, as your connection on a physical level will become even more intimate, relaxed and interesting.

2. You show him your vulnerability

When you're in a long-term relationship, you become more vulnerable than you've ever been before. Allow your partner to see you from a side you don't like. You show him your weaknesses and let him know your most hidden parts. Share your sexual fantasies with him.

3. Intercourse happens naturally

You still try to make your sex life interesting, but you stop planning sex. It just happens. When you wake up in the morning and touch it. When you come back from work, or when you're watching a movie and you're already intimate at the first hot scene. You no longer send him messages that you want him, instead you immediately seduce him. They become synchronized. Sexuality becomes different, something more than just physical pleasure.

4. Feel comfortable in your own skin

When you are with him, you feel like the best version of yourself. Your insecurity disappears. Your trust is immeasurable. Fears are there, but your love overcomes them. You think less and feel more. You stop worrying about things that are not important (distractions) and start paying more attention to things that are important.

You radiate sexual energy.

5. They have honest conversations

You and your partner communicate about everything, even unpleasant things. Talk about sex like what you're having for dinner, without hesitation. You confide in him what you like and don't like in bed. Your partner knows what you want more of and what you never want to do again. And most importantly, he knows what to say and how to touch you to satisfy you.

6. They make compromises

They have mastered the art of balance. Not only do you please in intimate moments, but you make compromises. If your partner is in the mood and you are not, still take care of them in a different way because you don't want them to feel unwanted or offended. You respect his need for tenderness. And when you are tired, he will understand you too. You don't have a bad conscience if you sometimes don't want sex and don't fight about it. They understand each other and don't force each other to do things that one or the other doesn't want to do, but challenge each other to try new things.

7. Sexuality becomes subtle

They are not a boring couple, they are a healthy, normal couple. Your spark turns not into impulsiveness, but into passion. When you're in a long-term relationship, you don't lose control, you gain it because you don't feel the urge to leave someone, you just feel the urge to connect.

8. Sex is still amazing

Sexuality becomes your therapy in a way. It becomes a place you run to instead of escaping. Your partner knows exactly how you feel and loves you exactly that way. You feel like you belong to him and he belongs to you. Still, you feel free because sex with him allows you to dive into your deepest desires.

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