
8 steps to dating the person you like

Photo: Jakob Owens / Unsplash

We have jumped into summer and the measures due to the epidemic are being relaxed. Now is the time to - if we are single - start observing the people around us. The terraces of restaurants invite you to drink coffee or a cold juice and watch the passers-by. You might notice your crush at the next table. Oops.

And what if he sits down at your table because he knows your friend you're having coffee with? Is eye contact and a smile enough to make him fall in love with you?

It's good to know some steps to approach the person you like. If you are not sure which steps are best at that moment, we present them below.

These eight steps will help you find the phone number of the person you like.

An optional joke and a sense of humor

If you're not sure how to start a conversation, one of the most effective ways to get that person's attention is through humor. It is enough to make a joke at your expense or to tease her mischievously for a few minutes. When he relaxes and smiles, you move on to a little more serious and later more personal topics. It is important that you show a sense of humor and that she feels that you are good company and that you are able to balance fun with serious topics.


A smile is better than a loud laugh

Believe it or not, women and men are not attracted to your loud booming laugh. Laughing out loud turns many people off. Laughter is great, but a loud, annoying laugh is more pleasant to someone you've known for a long time, rather than someone you just met. Therefore, it is better to smile and be a little thoughtful, which many people find attractive and mysterious, because the mystery keeps the tension. A smile is also more seductive and shows that you are confident.

Give them space

No one likes being smothered by someone they've barely met, not giving them space because they're afraid you'll disappear if they stop talking for a second. That won't happen if everything goes well, and that's why it's good to give the person a little space to enjoy themselves without you and the company they came with, say, to a party. Confident people are not afraid of losing the interest of the person they like.

Be original with compliments

She must have heard enough times that she has beautiful eyes or a smile. Come up with a more original and personal compliment that will focus on something that really attracted you to this person. It could be the way her hands move while speaking, details that will show her that you really see her.


You and she are not an object

Every woman wants to be interesting as a person to a man and not just attractive and beautiful like an object in a shop window. Let that person see who you really are. Try to show her more sides of your personality and open up to her emotionally (not too much) and talk to her about different topics to see if you have common interests.

Little things mean a lot

If you really pay attention to the details and remember the little things, you will always be able to win over the person you like. Women and men appreciate sincere attention and devotion. So if you're chatting with someone you've just met, pay attention to the little things they say or do and bring them up later in casual conversation.


There has to be chemistry

Flirting is one thing, seduction is another. The tension created by seduction in moderation is a great aphrodisiac and is crucial in winning over the person you like. Seduction requires confidence, a good way to seduce is to maintain eye contact as long as possible or have a small smile on your face. Speak a little slower, soften your voice, move a little closer to her and touch her gently and casually during the conversation, but with a clear purpose.

Triangle view

This look is definitely the most effective thing you can do while flirting and when you're ready to take the next step. How It Works? When you have started a joke and you see that you are doing well, look first at one eye, then at the other, then at the lips and finally back to the eyes and finish with a slight smile. If there is chemistry between you, this is it! Enjoy!

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