
8th Fanfara Student Marketing Conference 2015 - Art in Numbers

For the eighth year, the student marketing conference Fanfara has been a fixture of the most capricious month of the year. This year, on April 15, it will be about art in numbers, which is a prerequisite for the realization of creative ideas.

Important information
Festival Hall, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
23 euros per person

In marketing, numbers are oxygen, and researchers are the trees and the forest we make possible. The beauty and richness of marketing is in the numbers," he says Janja Božič Marolt from Mediana. Together with Petro Kalan Lubajnšek (Medex) will be on Fanfare talked about the knowledge, experience and research that make up the key steps on the way to new victories. The Festival Hall in Ljubljana will once again be the center of events, where marketing enthusiasts and those who encounter it in their everyday life will be able to listen to various stories. She will give a lecture on the most current issues from "štacuna". Tina Cipot (Lidl), Damjan Obal (Edgar) will explain what those are to die for.

How to effectively lie to yourself with numbers?

Filip Muki Dobranić (Luna / TBWA) is of the opinion that marketers use statistics like drunkards on street lamps - to support weak legs, instead of illuminating them. To prevent this from happening, she will be the director of the Gray Ljubljana agency Špela Žorž explained how to achieve the effectiveness of the marketing-communication campaign and results."Gone are the days when marketing was based on creativity. It is moving from craftsmanship to science, within which there is no more room for ego tripping and creating beautiful creatives that do not bring results." explains Andraž Štalec (Red Orbit).
In addition to local speakers, foreign speakers will also be present at the Fanfara. Rodolphe Jounot (BrainJuicer) and Tonči Klarić (Proximity Zagreb) will talk about people. Today, these mean numbers in marketing, and their purchases are related to the feelings they experience. Of course, there will also be room for a workshop in the Festival Hall. He will explain how to market when selling to companies Fedja Hvastje (FrodX), but it will be later Luka Uvodić (Optika Clarus) explained the elements of outstanding creative on jumbo posters.

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AfterpARTy - art by numbers!

The all-day program will also be followed by an evening chapter - afterpARTy. It represents art that really counts, as it allows marketing artists to continue socializing until the wee hours of the morning. A musician will take care of the relaxed event Clemens with an accompanying group The Gentlemen, who also performed at EMI this year, in combination with DJ Matthew Z.

Applications are open at fanfara.net. The registration fee for a person's independent registration is 23 euros per person, but it is also possible to register using the 3 + 1 method, which amounts to 17.25 euros per person. Registration includes registration fee for the all-day conference, breakfast and coffee, lunch and an invitation to the evening event.

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