
8 traits that show your partner is your soul mate

Photo: envato

We all dream of that true, true love that happens when two soul mates meet, i.e. partners who are born for each other. However, our romantic fantasies and dreams often convince us that someone is the one for us, even though the reality is completely different. That is why it is necessary to look at a potential partner not only from a realistic angle, but also with the help of intuition - sometimes you know exactly what the situation is, you just don't want to admit it. We have prepared for you 8 qualities that you should pay attention to when looking for a soul mate.

1. Openness and ability to reveal emotions

When we go down with someone intimate relationship, we must be willing to be vulnerable and partner reveal even those emotions and parts of our personality that we don't show to the world. But you deserve the same from him.
It's normal that you won't trust each other on the first date darkest secrets, but you must be if you are already dating some time, ready to share with each other events in your lives and emotions, which they experience with them.
Pay attention: does the partner avoid answering the personal questions? You got it on lies? Or at deeper topics spice up the conversation with humor does he start talking about something else? These are all signs that something is up disabled, in order to make a connection between the two of you solid bond. With a partner talk, because this way of communication is not a recipe for a solid, healthy relationship.

In a healthy relationship, vulnerability is necessary Photo: Ivan Samkov / Pexels

2. Reciprocity

Reciprocity is a very important virtue in healthy relationships. In practice, this means that your partner is ready for you to listen and se dedicate so yours problems like achievements, i.e. that the attention is not constantly focused only on him.
If you are not sure whether there is reciprocity in your relationship, ask yourself: Do you have the feeling that your partner constantly talks only about Yourself? Do you like your speeches? forced? Do you think that he always stand aside, but when you are in need, you can't trust him? Signs like these indicate that your partner most likely isn't your soul mate, or that they have a lot of work to do before your healthy relationship can really take off. he works on himself.

3. Love for you and not for your idealized image

It is normal that we at the beginning of getting somewhat blind. This means that we only pay attention to good sides of the person we fell in love with and to see them in idealized lights. But love differs from falling in love precisely in that a person we accept and Mrs we love despite his I make mistakes and of the past.
But how to find out if a partner wants to preserve your idealized image? Watch how deep are your conversations and how partner reacts, when you talk to him about yours problems and the less pleasant ones memories. Do you think it holds up assumption, that he initially created about you, even if they weren't real? This is certainly not the best and may indicate that your partner may not be ready for a relationship yet deeper levels.

It is important that your partner loves you exactly as you are Photo: Luis Zambrano / Pexels

4. Being present in the moment

In a healthy relationship, partners with each other own they share their time fully. This means that when you are with your partner, you are yourself put down your mobile phone, to him you are listening and you are instead of the past or the future centered to the exact moment you are experiencing.
Pay attention to whether your partner is establishing eye contact and are you remember the information you share with it. Everyone ever faces worries, which prevent him from being fully present, but it's a completely different story if a lack of attention is part of your constants.

5. Ability to communicate

Many couples can agree on how important it is communication, when we talk about a healthy relationship. The ability to communicate does not only show itself when there is a conflict between you a big misunderstanding. You can often prevent this with sincerity and respect, which you express as soon as you feel that something is not right.
Pay attention: whether the partner with you first agrees, and then to you he points out in an argument, that he actually looks at the situation completely differently? Does he have problems with sharing emotions, which are born to him at a certain event? Of course, it is more difficult for some people to express their feelings, but in such a case it is necessary for a relationship make an effort and on your communication to work.

6. Appropriate response to your emotions

Like communication, they are also very important feelings, which your partner evokes in you in moments when you feel like it the hardest. One of the most beautiful parts of a romantic relationship is having someone who will here for us, when we encounter a situation that us worries or affects.
Pay attention: or your partner to feel and reacts accordingly to your fear or concern? Village takes his hand, when it's hard for you? You get the feeling that he hurts too, when you talk about your most tragic moments? These are all signs that show that your partner it doesn't matter and that it is ready for you to help.

It is important to stand by each other in times of need Photo: Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

7. Acceptance of responsibility

Partnership relationship it's not a competition, where someone should give in and take all the blame, and the other person should feel like a winner. After an argument, it is important that both of you they look at themselves and think about how they could reacted better. It is also important that if you feel that you have done something that hurt your partner, you know to excuse and their conduct to change. The same goes for your partner.
Ask yourself if for your disappointments blame the whole world, but never yourself? Was he the angel in his previous relationships that others thought he was exploited? You may think it is your love special and that will be a partner to you behaved differently, but unfortunately it's not like that. How he reacts to others is indicator, how he will talk about you in the future and if the whole world perceives negative, unfortunately we have bad news.

8. Changing your habits

If you are used to unhealthy relationships, in which your attention was constantly focused on toxic practices your partner, you may be in a healthy relationship at the beginning difficult. This will be because for the first time in your life you will realize that you have to your behavior patterns change it yourself and learn to adjust. You can expect the same from your partner.
But what does that actually mean? Your partner may seem off with his communication nothing wrong, because it is that way used to, and you feel that its expression disrespectful. In this case, it will be your soulmate imagined and se made an effort, that she will use words that will not please you affected or offended. What about an immature partner? Well, he won't change and show you that he has in his life you don't need.

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