
8 useful mobile apps that will make your life easier

Mobile apps have made the world crazy and smartphones without them are like cars in their basic version. The goal of many is to make our lives easier, but practicality has to compete with the entertainment side, so many people don't give them enough credit for their contribution to making life easier. Ok, when you go to "relieve" yourself, let the short-term ones "spill", but if you're looking for ones that will make your life easier, you've come to the right address.

Apps are like sweet vices. If you know how to control yourself, there are no problems, but otherwise they present more problems than benefits. There are many ways to increasing (personal) productivity and often one of the steps is to separate for a certain time from the hardest "drug" - the mobile phone. But this is not necessary, because smartphones hide miracles, if only we know how to use them "correctly".

READ MORE: 4 applications that take us to a completely new world of experiences

If you want it to serve you as tool and not as a distraction when you scroll between daily tasks, download one of the following apps to help you navigate the rough seas of the 21st century. Employment- in the sense that we don't have much time - it's a reality for most people, so any help at management of things and time it comes in handy.


Timeful will find time for everything.
Timeful will find time for everything.

Of course, there is a mountain of applications on the subject increase in productivity and better organization, but Timeful it goes a step further than everyone else by making it for you virtual plan. A case of recommendations, when it is most expedient to tackle the tasks and duties that you need to cross off the list, while at the same time trying to squeeze out as much time as possible for a possible procrastination.
For Android


Foresee is a unique app that tells you when it is the best time for physical activity. He bases his decision on weather pictures and so it suggests when it's better to stay inside and do the laundry and when it's going to stop raining so you can go for a run. You can choose from activity sheets and share your wishes on Facebook or Twitter.
For iOS
For Android


So that you will never be late again.
So that you will never be late again.

Application NeverLate (also heard on Mynd) ensures that you always reach your destination on time namely so that calculates the time, which you need to arrive at the location at the scheduled time. Application among others follows the condition of the roads, to predict and realistically assess the situation more easily.
For iOS
For Android
For Windows


Addiction from smartphones is a serious problem and if you are one of the "sick", it's time for an app Menthol. This one tracks your phone activities and compares your usage with average use. Because sometimes someone else has to hold up a mirror to us so that we can see how deeply we have gone astray and such comparisons can be real "shock therapy". At the same time, it also tells you which one personality type and that you will find the cause of the addiction easier. Digital diet!
For iOS
For Android


Pay on time and save.
Pay on time and save.

Paying bills it is a necessary evil that we like to put off until the last minute. But with so much data that surrounds us daily, what kind bill, which is not on a perennial, slips from memory and only reminders and late interest remind us of the payment. Application Check it will relieve you of the dates in your head and alert you when it is approaching due date, which will ease your mind quite a bit, although it won't ease your budget. But at least there will be no more late payment interest.
For iOS
For Android


The Humin app adds to the antediluvian alphabetical ones contact list missing ingredient- the contextt, and thus classify them according to different criteria. You can read more about her here.


Gmail application Boomerang she revolutionized the way how and when you are people we send email. It allows us to we are planning the shipping time, even if we can't get to our account then. At the same time, it offers a bunch of other options, among others a reminder when we should start writing a certain message and a reminder that warns us after a certain time that someone hasn't replied to us yet.

For Android


Application Full tackles daily tasks on psychological way and "necessary" small tasks and household chores are not taken as something to be ticked off and forgotten, but rather as lessons learned. That's why he doesn't count out how many we have left, but adds up and gives us the feeling that we are achieve something. So we start looking at these things as mini challenges and not for nothing. And it all becomes a game.
For iOS

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