
8 ways to watch the World Cup differently

If you don't go to the World Cup, the World Cup comes to you. Far from sight, far from heart, but not when you have at your disposal almost an entire football team of apps and websites that make you feel like you are dating the most important side thing in life at the stadium and thousands of miles away.

Today, more than ever, it is not difficult to be a part of the football euphoria, even if you are not even close to the actual venue. One way or another, fandom has spilled over into stadiums and the plasticity of the atmosphere has moved not only to huge TV screens, but also to applications and websites that somehow make sure that the experience is as authentic and addictive as possible.

So let's look at 8 "harsh" alternatives to the most valuable ticket in the world at the moment.

1. Every goal counts!

FIFA World Cup and The WatchESPN apps.
FIFA World Cup and The WatchESPN apps.

Don't miss goals like balls to England goalkeeper Joe Hart. The football applications of the sports giant ESPN, "FC Soccer" and "World Cup" (for Android and iOS), ensure that you are up to date with all the results, news and highlights of the meetings. "The WatchESPN" also offers you to watch live matches.

2. Merging the match schedule into the Google calendar.

If your calendar for June and July doesn't look like this, you're doing something wrong.
If your calendar for June and July doesn't look like this, you're doing something wrong.

If you haven't already, now is the time to move your schedule to your Google calendar. All you have to do is to on this one connection click on the Google+ icon (bottom right), confirm and you're already booked for the next month!

3. When the sparrows are already chirping about the match.

Cheep-cheep, but has anyone scored a goal yet?
Cheep-cheep, but has anyone scored a goal yet?

And not only sparrows, because Twitter has also joined the football euphoria, offering to follow the results in the 'live' word. So if you don't have to follow the match through a picture, Twitter tweets about every event on the field, and at the same time supplies you with a list of current players who are on Twitter and relevant tweets that come either from the press, fans, teams or the venue itself.

4. Who do you root for?

Who did the Slovenians cheer for in the match between Portugal and Germany?
Who did the Slovenians cheer for in the match between Portugal and Germany?

The Facebook page "Fan Map" tells us, depending on the match, which of the two national teams are supported by Slovenians or people from other countries. Fan Map it does this by counting how many fans/followers key national team players have in the selected country. Ronaldo has, for example, in the US, 10% more fans than other stars on average, while Messi has 57.8 million, which is 5.2% above the average.

5. Evergreen Google Map.

With a one-on-one venue.
With a one-on-one venue.

Thanks to the street view it offers Google Map, you can now be at the Maracana now at any other stadium, and therefore you don't have to play tourist. And if you're feeling nostalgic, you can go back four years without a time machine and walk through the venues football world cup in South Africa.

6. Meet the quiet favorites and future stars.

Who's who.
Who's who.

You may know all about Brazilians and Germans, but your knowledge of Colombians is probably pretty spotty. That's why he's here FIFATV YouTube channel, where all the teams are presented in detail, and in the manner of the "quiet river of the banks of the river", the "Stars of the Future" series was also created, which draws attention to the names that are knocking on the big door. Follow their progress like a real scout!

7. Call football to the desk too.

Did you know there is a Brazilian mouse?
Did you know there is a Brazilian mouse?

READ MORE: Flipbook Van Persie's goal, 1-1 Spain : Netherlands - WC 2014

Why hide your love for the game of football. Give her wings. Let the whole world know that you live for football. Logitech Collection »Global Fan Collection mice" is a good place to start wearing your heart in the palm of your hand, as it offers a small sea of mice dressed in national colors.

8. Move love from the table to the table.

Maybe instead of players for the table, you can choose a soccer field and arrange the icons in the formation of the national team you support.
Maybe instead of players for the table, you can choose a soccer field and arrange the icons in the formation of the national team you support.

The table is probably the oldest form of showing some belonging, but it still kicks and won't let itself go away so quickly. So go to »2014 National Team Wallpapers", where EA Sports keeps wallpapers for all sizes. From those suitable for computer screens to those for Android and iPhone.

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