
Websites that will make you smarter

Tired of wasting time watching cat videos and five-minute detours past graffiti on Facebook walls? Would you like to be more productive the next time you go online and would you actually like to take something away from there, not just leave with less and less dignity and a drop in criteria? Then you've come to the right place.

Here is a list of websites that know how precious it is a village time and it's a good thing that there isn't one that calculates how many hours you've wasted on Facebook. Oops, basically there is. Click here, if you dare to check... But what happened was what happened. There is still time to improve and raise the level of your game. You can do it!

Digital Photography School
If you have a photographic streak in you, you will hit a goldmine with this site. It doesn't matter whether you are a beginner or just want to sharpen the details. And if by any chance any question remains unanswered, there is always a forum where photographers who have already walked your path will answer you.

Duolingo and BBC Languages
Knowing a foreign language is one of the highest forms of intelligence, and this website offers learning at an academic level, but without tuition and through play! Sharpen your language, sorry, language skills, and jump to 'auntie' for mountains of free learning material (read on BBC).

Factsie and Today I Found Out
Stock up on interesting scientific and historical facts. Candies of knowledge that you just won't be able to get over.

By expanding your vocabulary and feeding your mind, you will feed the poor. This will make you feel better, and the good work will go two ways. To the poor and to you.

Fast Company's 30-Second MBA
If you are looking for insightful business advice, this site will not disappoint. Listen to the old cats of the business and gather guidelines that will also come in handy in life in general.

Market of knowledge. Learn from others, but also give something yourself. It's not that there isn't a topic.

What we learn through play or in a fun way stays with us. Is there anything to add to this? Fun clips and easy instructions, and the path to master catapult and rod making is as clear as our highways at 3 in the morning.

Slightly more serious, but no less fun than Instructables, is the eHow site, where you can train yourself at home in anything you can think of. Learn to tinker, garden, cook, decorate, etc.

Money is an elusive thing, so you need to work with it wisely, and who, if not Investopedia, knows this very well. Keep investments and personal finances in your little finger.

Khan Academy
At first glance, this page looks like a course book of any college, but this online academy is much more than that. It offers an indiscriminate range of subjects and exercises, and at the same time monitors your progress. Even if you already know something, you never need to know too much.

Sometimes we would, but we don't know how. That's why we can only be grateful to sites like Lifehacks, which is an arsenal of tricks and tips.

Brain boot camp. Scientifically proven games and a personal knowledge trainer to improve memory. One, two, one, two! Leeeeeva! … half of the brain. Deeeeeesna!…. half of the brain. Vacant on site!

Anyone can be 'smart' on the internet. And anonymity doesn't help at all. That's why Quora is a great resource to get your question answered by real and not quasi-smart people.

Recipe Puppy
Your furry friends don't have to worry about being replaced. You 'throw' at Recipe Puppy the food ingredients you have at home, and he returns with a list of recipes for which you have everything you need. Not only will it save you time and money, but it will also teach you how to cook better and get you out of the habit of buying everything in advance. If he were to wag his tail, it would be kitsch.

All of a sudden
Vsauce is a YouTube channel that is bursting with crazy facts that will remind you of how amazing this world is. What would happen if the Earth stopped spinning? Why do we get bored? A real sauce of knowledge.

Is speed reading a problem for you? Nevermind. With Spreeder you will add to the gas, and all you have to do is enter the desired text and let yourself drive.

A programmer's best friend, and given that they are the more antisocial variety, hopefully not the only one.

It's a new branch of the super-useful TED that grew out of the idea of "lessons worth sharing." A must visit for the curious!

Read more: Brain: Are you a visual type? Do you think visually?

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