
9 habits that are destroying your chances of success

Don't destroy your dreams!

Photo: Kamyab Lotfollahyan / Unsplash

Habits, habits, habits. Sometimes they lead us to success. But sometimes they take us far away. What are your habits?

Success is the result of a process, but so is failure. If you develop habits that reduce your chances of success, they will gradually turn into a cage from which you will not be able to escape.

If you have the habits listed below, it's time to start changing them.


You accumulate all those things that you do day after day you are leaving for tomorrow? Stop being indecisive. Think about what you want to do and who and where you want to be.

Have you been hesitating for years to take a different path? Don't waste another day. Do not delay and postpone the steps that lead you to the realization of your happiness. If you don't do anything about it, the regret will haunt you for the rest of your life.

Shifting the blame

When they are blame everyone else for your failure (circumstances in which you live, low salary, toxic partner...), you refuse to take responsibility for your decisions and actions. You may feel like a victim, but you can change your attitude. You are responsible for how you feel and what you do! And if you do nothing when you feel bad - you are responsible for it - no one else is to blame. You are!

Accept the fact that you are worthy. Photo: Roman Shilin / Unsplash


You mustn't wasting time and energy commenting of what others are doing in their lives. This is a very toxic habit and it robs you of the energy to focus on what you are doing in your life. Successful people never gossip, brag and respect others.

If you're constantly thinking about what other people are doing, that just means you are insecure and envious and with these feelings you will not achieve your dreams.

Say it

You will find a bunch of excuses that prevent you from being able to devote yourself to your desires and the realization of only those. Nothing will change if you don't change it.

Labeling yourself

If you look down on yourself, if you think so you are not good enough or you don't have enough knowledge, you will identify with these labels and it will be difficult to start and become different, worthy.

If you want to break this habit, start behaving like the person you want to be - energetic, confident, someone who knows your worth. In this way, you will "install" the habit of self-respect and you will be able to identify with it through your behavior and actions.


If you complain about your problems, you are effectively killing your dreams. You may not even realize it, but when others tell you to stop complaining, it means you need to do something about it.

Stop complaining about your life and start living it. Stop pointing out your problems and start solving them.


You have the right to wear a mask and hide your identity. But you have to be honest with yourself. If you tell yourself that you don't need anything more than the life you're living, but it doesn't match your feelings, you're delusional.

If constantly you make emotional compromises, you will forget that you ever dreamed, but deep inside you will feel regret and dissatisfaction, which will harm your mental and physical health.

Don't waste your precious time unnecessarily scrolling through your phone. Photo: Taylor Grot/Unsplash

There is nothing wrong with admitting that you are not satisfied, that you want more, that you are ambitious and that you can do something better.

Waste of time

You spend hours on social networks and then wonder, where has the time gone. It's perfectly fine to do that too, but reserve time for this kind of fun, don't let time just slip through your fingers and disappear forever.

Just as you can waste time each day entertaining yourself with unproductive content, you can also take time each day to achieve your goals. But every day. Set aside half an hour and stick to it - you'll feel the difference after a week.

You give up

You always have the right to give up. But if you feel that you owe something to yourself, don't give up. Change the way you reach your goal. Dreams don't come true overnight, but you'll get closer if you don't give up and change your approach. Who knows, maybe this is the right one!

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