
9 Natural Appetite Suppressants That Really Work

By suppressing your hunger naturally, you can prevent overeating and weight gain. And with this, you automatically grind towards your ideal weight. We present really extremely simple tricks.

Hunting for ideal kilograms starts in our head and in appetite control. But it can certainly be easier for us if we manage to take some of them into account natural and healthy methods, with whom we will reduce your appetite. These are small tricks that will completely help you control your appetite. Yes, it also needs these tricks if you want to reach your ideal natural weight.

Season the food

Spicy food works like natural appetite suppressant. For several reasons. The key active ingredient in many spicy foods is capsaicin, which is found, for example, in hot peppers. It has been scientifically proven that we eat less if the food is "hot", and that we are then full sooner.

Spicy food - just one of the options to suppress appetite!
Eating spicy food is just one of the options for suppressing your appetite!

Hot food in addition, it "forces" to consume a larger amount of water, which quickly gives a feeling of satiety and fullness. So if you eat hot food, you will automatically suppress your appetite with several actions. This simple trick was revealed by nutritionist Joy L. Bauer, who is the author of world bestsellers such as "From Junk Food to Joy Food".


Peppermint can alleviate and suppress hunger. "The study showed that there are participants who are in five days each smelled peppermint for two hours, consumed almost that week 1800 kilocalories less, and their hunger was significantly less than the hunger of participants who were not exposed to peppermint," says the nutritionist Bauer. There are several methods. Peppermint processed into wax, you can light it as a candle, chew it or drink peppermint tea. And you have a strong influence on your appetite.

Add chia seeds to easy meals as a sprinkle

Chia seeds they're full of fiber, so you can use them as an appetite suppressant, says Bauer. "Chia seeds can be sprinkled on oatmeal or yogurt, or mixed into smoothies and pancakes," she says. "In your stomach, the seeds will swell and gain up to nine times their volume when you eat them, and that's why you'll feel full and satiated for hours." Healthy chia seeds are mainly soluble fibers that are associated with reduced intake and appetite. Other good sources of soluble fiber are legumes, oats, buckwheat and flaxseed.

One apple a day


You think you know everything about apples and health? Think again. Turns out, yes eating one apple can do more than a doctor in a day! Apple can be used as a natural appetite suppressant. "Combination pectin, soluble fiber, high water content and a lot of chewing ensures that the apple is an excellent food that successfully suppresses the appetite," says Bauer. In addition, you can always have an apple with you. The apple is a true champion of practicality and appetite suppression.

Water - simply drink a glass or two before a meal


We are often more thirsty than hungry. This is proven. Hunger and thirst can often be confused, and that's why drinking two glasses of water before a meal can often help curb appetite, points out Bauer. "If you're bored with water, add slices of citrus or cucumber to it to make juice," he suggests and mentions another trick: you can add bubbles to the water. If you add water CO2, the bubbles create an even greater sense of fullness. Water is your greatest ally in controlling your appetite.

Avoid stress and focus on proper breathing

When we are stressed, our body starts producing the hormone cortisol. “High cortisol levels can lead to build-up belly fat and other chronic health problems,” says New York-based nutritionist Keri Glassman, founder of Nutritious Life. Cortisol it also causes the body to become resistant to leptin, a hormone, which sends a signal to the brain that you're full, he says. “The more stressed you are, the more cortisol eliminate and are less able to tell how hungry or full you are.” But that's not all, he says. “During stress, we tend to crave foods high in carbohydrates, which produce serotonin, which makes us feel calm and satisfied. So reducing stress will help reduce it food cravings.” She suggests taking a few minutes each day to practice deep breathing. "Close your eyes, clear your mind and breathe in slowly through your nose and mouth," he advises.

Apple cider vinegar

Yes spikes apple cider vinegar it has a good effect on health naturalized wisdom. Our grandparents already drank apple cider vinegar. However, studies do not prove a direct connection between apple cider vinegar and appetite suppression, but the already unpleasant taste of vinegar can immediately reduce the feeling of hunger in us. Research participants who drank vinegar before breakfast ate less than their counterparts who did not. Vinegar is not harmful, and if you believe it can help fight your appetite, indulge in it every now and then.

Pay attention to how you eat

Pay attention to each bite taste, texture and smell food. Eat slowly and do just that. Do not do other things while feeding, such as browsing on the phone or watching TV. Both of these activities take our attention away from our feelings and many times we don't even realize that we are are you, and yet we still eat. This is also why we often overlook the fact that we are no longer hungry. Sometimes we do many things completely automatically.

Feeding should be a ritual and a habit

Feeding let it become a ritual at specific times. Eat at least 5 times a day and do not skip meals. Moderation in everything and regular meals are the recipe for getting it right appetite control.

We hope that the above tips will simply help you control your appetite.

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