
9 Secrets About Sex: No One Will Tell You!

Photo: IG authenticlovepresets

Let us tell you something right away: it's not all about romance

1. Just because you and your friend occasionally played between the sheets, it does not mean that they will become a couple. Don't let the buzzwords poison your brain and confuse you. In reality, sex is just sex, and it often won't turn into something bigger.

2. Sex won't always be sexy. Sometimes you will feel ashamed and even uncomfortable during it. This is completely normal. Also, sometimes you will feel sad or angry during sex. It's not all love. Sex is an emotional act, so it happens that you feel several emotions. Sometimes playing between the sheets just won't be good because it all depends on your mood and chemistry.

3. Sometimes they are emotions caused by sexuality, so strong that they will overwhelm you. This is completely normal. Sometimes you'll want to cry and you won't be able to explain it to him or to yourself. Sexuality can especially affect sensitive people in this way. The question is, will the partner understand this?

4. Sometimes intercourse will leave a bitter aftertaste. You will think that everything is great in your relationship, but after having sex, you will start to realize that something is still not right. Not relevant. It happens. Talk, and if you can't find a solution, move on alone.

5. Stop believing that it does another person is hiding under your clothes. If the partner is passive, he will be passive during intercourse as well. You will have a hard time making magic.

6. There are people who are they want sex with you, although you would never expect it. Often these are people with whom you would never engage in sex.

7. Absolutely it's okay to "take a break" from sex every once in a while and so you rest for a while, but do not abstain for too long. It's really not healthy to deprive yourself of sex.

8. Love is not always better than sex. Someone can live in a marriage without sexual relations, but with a lot of attention and love. But these are very rare people. Don't let anyone impose their philosophy of life on you. If you need sex and can't find it with your partner, talk it out and move on alone - don't be fooled into thinking anything will change.

9. Maybe you will fall in love with the person you have sex with, but you won't want to tie yourself down because you value your freedom. Keep in mind that sexuality as such does not bind you to a partner (this should also be borne in mind by women who believe that with the help of sexuality they will "force" marriage).

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