
9 Signs That Your Relationship Is Slowing Down

Happy endings are not meant for every couple.

We never fall in love with the expectation that it will all end once and for all. When we decide to let someone into our hearts, we hope it will last a lifetime, but not every relationship works out.

But if you believe you are meant to be together and feel like your love is cooling, recognizing the signs below will help you react in time to save it or just walk away before it turns ugly.

1. Your conversations are on autopilot

Stop talking about what's important to you, what's bothering you, or how you feel. Your conversations aren't personal, they're just as awkward as the ones you have with your co-workers - simple exchanges of meaningless information just to fill the silence.

2. There is no more trust between you

You don't feel comfortable talking to your partner about your problems or fears. The mutual trust and conversations they once had are history. They become unimaginable. You can no longer trust them.

3. Refrain from arguing because you just don't care anymore

At first, they argue about every little thing that used to make you laugh, but eventually that also disappears. You no longer care what happens next because you feel empty and drained. Your relationship is actually over, you just have to admit it.

4. Your sex life is practically dead

And you don't mind. There were days when you couldn't keep your hands off each other, but now you just try to stay away from each other. And even if you decide to have sex, it no longer means the intimacy and love that it used to have. This is just one more chore.

Refrain from arguing because you just don't care anymore.

5. Your number one source of stress is your significant other

Spending time with your partner should be a stress reliever, not a source of stress. Once you realize this is happening, it may be better to walk away before your mental health comes into question.

6. You constantly wonder if they are the one

You are obsessed with "what if" and you constantly wonder if you made the right choice. You think about what could have been if you never met and what your life would look like without them in it. We all sometimes wonder what our lives would be like without our partner, but if that thought keeps crossing your mind, maybe it's time to make it happen.

7. You enjoy the time without your partner more than the time you spend with him

You still remember how happy they were, the laughter and the good times. But that's all, now they're just a distant memory of the couple they once were. When was the last time you did something together just for fun? When was the last time you surprised each other with something other than cold silence and a cold hug? When was the last time you felt like a couple?

8. The thought of being without them doesn't bother you

When you spend most of the time wondering if they are "the one", you feel like it wouldn't be so bad if you were alone after all this time. The thought of not being together anymore doesn't upset you. The end of your relationship doesn't seem so bad anymore.

9. You know deep down that your future is not with them

As time passes and your feelings begin to fade, and as all the things that made you a couple disappear, you can finally admit that your future was not with them. It's no longer a scary thought, it's not something that breaks your heart; it's like hearing the weather forecast. You don't feel anything anymore.

Don't cling to relationships that are doomed. Maybe your right one is just around the first corner!

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