
9 simple habits to help keep our planet clean

A change in lifestyle also benefits our planet.

Photo: Artem Podrez from Pexels

Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22. Many events take place on this day, which make us aware of the importance of protecting our blue planet. This year's World Earth Day puts the spotlight on action against climate change, which presents a huge challenge as well as a huge opportunity.

Climate change manifests itself in a variety of ways, such as rising sea levels, heat waves, forest fires, droughts, floods and higher temperatures. All this affects ecosystems and biodiversity, as well as economic growth, infrastructure and quality of life. Since we ourselves can contribute a lot to the improvement of our planet, it is all the more important to think green. After all, even a small part of our effort contributes to saving the Earth.

Saving water

Photo: Pexels

Did you know that we can save up to eight liters of water during everyday tasks? We often do not realize how much water we actually use and practically throw away. Unknowingly, when we brush our teeth or hands, several liters of clean, drinking water run out from the open tap. A toilet bowl that does not seal can "use" more than 200 liters of drinking water per day. So let's try to close the faucet every time we don't need it.

Saving electricity

Our household appliances waste energy even when they are not switched on. That's why we make sure to unplug coffee machines, toasters and even lamps when not in use.

Use of kitchen towels

In the household, instead of paper towels, use ordinary ones. A roll of paper towels is incidentally used to wipe hands, tables, glass, and absorb grease. Because of them, a lot of waste accumulates, which is not environmentally friendly.

Plastic packaging

In Slovenia, tap water is considered high quality, but many people still buy bottled water. With this, we do not realize that we are polluting the environment. So let's replace plastic packaging with a reusable bottle.

Turning off the lights

Turning off the lights is one of the simplest measures to save energy. Therefore, it will not cost us anything if we ever press the switch and turn off the lights when we do not need them.

No car

Cars pollute the environment a lot. It is necessary to be aware that excessive use of the vehicle, even when driving short distances, causes damage to the environment. That's why we sometimes go to work with colleagues or use public transport and thereby contribute to a cleaner environment.

Planting plants

Bringing a little greenery into your home can help regulate the temperature with the moisture the plants release into the air. This reduces the energy needed to heat and cool our home.

Shopping bags

We all already know that the degradation of plastic is extremely slow and the vast majority ends up in landfills. So let's reduce the use of plastic shopping bags and use reusable ones.

Homemade cleaners

We also help the planet by abandoning the use of purchased cleaners that contain harmful ingredients. We can make our own cleaners. It's amazing what vinegar and some baking soda can do.

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