
9 things men say when they blow a woman's soul (but they understand it completely differently)

Women and men, two different worlds.

What do women understand when men say things to them to make them feel beautiful, but have the exact opposite effect?

"I'm completely confused around you, I don't know what to do with myself!"

This is extremely unattractive. A woman has the feeling that a man does not know what he wants and does not feel safe with him. A man must know what he wants and respect a woman and her wishes.

"Don't wear makeup."

His idea is that a woman is beautiful to him regardless of whether she wears makeup or not. Some women may understand this sentence as if a man wants to control her, to tell her how she should look. A woman decides for herself whether and how much makeup she will put on - just as a man decides how much gel to put on his hair.

"I grew up with a strong mother."

This tells the woman that she is in the company of one of the few men who can handle her. No woman wants to be "tolerated". She wants to be seen as she is, without any labels.

Sometimes men achieve the exact opposite effect with their compliments.
Sometimes men achieve the exact opposite effect with their compliments.

"You are a strong woman."

It sounds like a compliment, but it lets women know that most women are considered weak by men. Who is he to divide women into strong and weak?!

"I don't want anyone to see you like this again."

This is supposed to be sexy because it involves a secret between lovers. Women should feel free to share their feminine beauty as much as they want. By doing this, men are saying that the woman should know that his need to possess is greater than her need to feel free.

"You may not be beautiful to every man, but I like that."

A man should never say that. Only insecure men who are afraid of losing the woman they're with would say something like that that would make a woman feel like he's her only possible choice.

Only insecure men are afraid of losing a woman.
Only insecure men are afraid of losing a woman.

“What are you doing later? I want to see you whenever I can.”

Is that supposed to be attractive? All it says is that the woman knows she has no life of her own and nothing to bring to the relationship. This is also an indication that women are just a way for him to waste time.

"My ex was not like you."

It usually means he has no idea what he wants.

"You always look beautiful."

Although it's a sweet phrase, it comes across as rather disinterested. Most women would like men to notice a difference when they change their appearance. Sometimes it's good to admit that a person looks even more radiant.

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