
9 tricks to speed up the metabolism, with which you will lose pounds immediately

Photo: envato

It's no longer a secret that those whose metabolism works faster can eat more, but it won't show in their extra pounds. That's why many people want to speed up their metabolism, using a variety of tricks that circulate on the Internet and among people. Some of them really work, while others will have the exact opposite effect, so we checked for you which methods, according to the experts, will have the best effect. Here are 11 tricks you can use to boost your metabolism.

1. Eat enough

It may seem ironic to you that when losing weight, you should focus on getting into your body enough calories. It's not like that. Remember, the body eats it needs for normal functioning and if your caloric intake is too low, it can affect you health serious consequences.
And also on metabolism– if you starve, it will practically disappear stopped and the body will start working caloric reserves, instead of consuming those calories. You will not lose weight in this way, but if you succeed, you can soon expect the so-called yo-yo effect, i.e. weight gain again.

Even when dieting, make sure you eat enough Photo:
Lucas Bordignon / Pexels

2. Exercise your brain

You can also lose calories without constant recreation. Instead of throwing yourself in front of the TV, take it in your hands after lunch crossword or save word game Wordle. Not only that, but you will also stay in the comfort of the sofa active, but yours will be grateful too the brain, which will thus more easily tackle challenges.

3. Sleep well and enough

One of the myths circulating on the Internet claims that people who only sleep at night 5 hours, they burn more calories. This is far from the truth: studies show that you will fatigue, repeatedly reached for unhealthy snacks, but also that you will maximize your metabolism with an unhealthy way of rest harmed.

4. Treat yourself to green tea

Green tea boasts not only caffeine, but also contains catechins, antioxidants that can your metabolism accelerate and thus help you lose extra pounds faster.
We suggest you treat yourself on the day 2 to 3 cups, which will also do a lot for your health: green tea is supposed to improve brain functions and reduced the risk for many diseases, such as type 2 diabetes.

Start the day for better health and less weight with green tea Photo: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

5. Enjoy your coffee without worry

Caffeine also contains well-known coffee, which has been stirring spirits for some time. Opinions about its influence differ, but most experts agree that coffee, if with it don't exaggerate, can very useful. Because it will be yours heart beat a little after a cup of coffee increased, you will also spend that way more energy.

6. Set your home and office to room temperature

Let you sweating don't mislead: fever sorry for you she won't help lose extra pounds, but also not the cold, which will only make your body work fat stores and it warms you up.
Studies have shown that it is best for the metabolism to have the air conditioning in the rooms you are in set to room temperature (18°C).

7. Don't be afraid of protein

Remember: even with a diet, it is important that your body receives all nutrients, which it needs for its operation. And there are also among them proteins.
But you don't have to be afraid of protein because your body will a large portion of their calories already spent on itself digestion, which means that you won't gain extra pounds because of them. Foods rich in protein include almonds, chicken breast, beef, tuna, Greek yogurt

Don't be afraid of protein and enjoy Greek yogurt without worry Photo: Daria Shevtsova / Pexels

8. Take up endurance training

When choosing which exercises to do, don't forget about endurance training. That's easy long, steady running or another sport, e.g. swimming, cycling, hiking, cross-country skiing...
Not only will you be with such training burn a lot of calories, but it is also extremely useful for the functioning of your metabolism.

9. Don't forget strength training

Endurance training is important, but by no means should it remain the only type of exercise, which you tackle. Strength training they will help you build muscle and thus improve yours basal metabolism– that means you will at rest burning more calories than you did before you developed muscle.

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