
A dream weekend that we can only dream about

A dream weekend near New York

This is how we imagine a dream weekend and we believe that you too will not remain indifferent to this magical house in the heart of nature.

Sarabeth Levin and her husband Bill wanted a weekend in the heart of nature, something to escape to away from the city noise and such enjoyed the charms of nature and a warm and comfortable home.

READ MORE: An amazing pool made from a shipping container that can be used all year round

It's a dream weekend near New York.
It's a dream weekend near New York.

In 2010, the couple bought a house near New York, and the house needed concrete renovation. This is where architects came to the rescue CCS Architecture and made it out of an average house the house that every family dreams of. The modern weekend is a combination quality materials and various details, but of course there is no shortage of threads swimming pool.

Gallery - a dream weekend that we can only dream about

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