
Funniest Wikipedia edits made by 'vandals'

The internet is full of fake news these days, and sometimes it's hard to tell what's true and what's not. Wikipedia is considered an otherwise completely solid source of information, but only until the moment when 'vandals' get on it. Check out the funniest and funniest edits to Wikipedia facts made by vandals of all kinds.

Nekdo si je drznil zapisati, da je Charlie Sheen pol človek pol kokain, nekdo pa je ustvaril članek na Wikipediji, ki se posveča kompleksu Boga in oziroma božjemu kompleksu, v to kategorijo je med drugim umestil tudi Kanye West. Na srečo takšne spremembe ne ostanejo dolgo, moderatorji jih namreč precej hitro opazijo, in to še preden ugledajo luč sveta. In da bi vam pokazali, kako smešna in drzna so lahko včasih ta urejanja, smo v galerijo umestili nekaj tistih najbolj zabavnih.

READ MORE: An amazing pool made from a shipping container that can be used all year round

Galerija – najbolj smešna urejanja na Wikipediji, za katera so poskrbeli ‘vandali’

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