
Will a greenhouse grow on the roof of Notre-Dame?

After the fire that engulfed the famous Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris on April 15 this year, various ideas on how to repair the legendary building spread across the Internet. Is it possible that a greenhouse will grow on the roof of Notre-Dame?

Design studio NAB he presented concept for the restoration of Notre-Dame Cathedral, which predicts on its roof setting up a greenhouse. The reconstruction would thus be used to change the purpose of the building, which operates according to the principles of modern society.

The greenhouse should not only impress with affection for the protection of the environment, but he should also serve in educational purposes. It would enable the children to learn about the school case through various workshops urban agriculture.

The greenhouse will also have an educational touch.
The greenhouse will also have an educational touch.

The creators intend to take into account in their work outstanding silhouette of the building. Burnt oak frame they want to reuse in the construction of various objects within the greenhouse. Pointed bell tower, which was destroyed by fire, was supposed to serve as an apiary with a large number of hives. The greenhouse would otherwise be surrounded by glass roof, which supports her steel in gold color.

The beehive is the heart of the greenhouse.
The beehive is the heart of the greenhouse.

Studio NAB wants to inspire with its project debate on the renovation of an architectural gem, while showing how it can be created a space that helps solve pressing world problems.

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