
A habit you must get into your blood: 5+ reasons why morning sex is BETTER than coffee

A habit you must get into your blood: 5+ reasons why morning sex is BETTER than coffee

People usually turn to coffee for a dose of energy and vigor in the morning, which has been proven to stimulate the production of endorphins, hormones of satisfaction, and raise energy levels. Great news, but only for those who love coffee. Fortunately, there is a more universal solution: morning sex – not only does it stimulate the production of feel-good hormones and boost energy levels, its effects last much longer than coffee.

Not coffee, morning sex is the injection of energy you really need in the morning. After your morning routine, you will be happier and more relaxed during the day, and everything else will be much easier. Research has shown that couples who start the morning with sex happier also healthier than those, who look for an alternative in coffee or breakfast. If you don't take time for the latter, at least take it for love!

Besides reducing the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes, relieving migraine and arthritis symptoms, and boosting the immune system, what good does morning sex do and why should it become your routine?

Why is morning sex BETTER than coffee?
Why is morning sex BETTER than coffee?

5+ reasons why morning sex is BETTER than coffee:

1. It will wake you up.
2. You will feel more relaxed. Morning sex "summons" additional units of hormones, which are responsible for a better mood and well-being, so you will be less stressed and nervous during the day.
3. It stimulates the brain. At the peak, blood flow is released, bringing more oxygen to the brain. This increases the activity of the entire brain, something that you cannot achieve even with mental exercises, which also increase brain activity, but activate only certain areas.
4. Raises self-confidence. Psychologists have also confirmed that morning sex improves self-esteem, as a person feels two meters taller after it. Love will be in the air all day, so there will be no things that can throw you off track.
5. Your face will be more beautiful. The best makeup is morning sex. Because it accelerates blood flow, it leaves lips, skin and hair beautiful and shiny.
6. It will fill you with energy and enthusiasm for the whole day. If experts are to be believed, the amount of energy doubles after morning sex. Coffee, gobble it up!
7. It brings spontaneity to the relationship. Research has shown that women have the most energy and libido in the morning. And why not take advantage of the moments when your partner lies so conveniently next to you? In addition, this brings spontaneity to the relationship, which is important for the existence of the relationship.

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