
A human heart grew from a spinach leaf

Heart and spinach

Unbelievable! American scientists have grown a tiny human heart on a spinach leaf, which opens up new dimensions in medicine in the regeneration of human tissues.

Scientists have so far managed to create in laboratories human tissue, but there were always problems with creation capillaries, which are supplied with nutrients and oxygen. Without vascular capillaries, the tissue dies. The solution was found in spinach leaf.

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A heart was made from a spinach leaf.
A heart was made from a spinach leaf.

They used his vascular system (this ensures the supply of water and nutrients to the cells) and recreated the supply of tissue cells with blood cells. The scientists managed to do this by removing the spinach leaf plant cells and the framework of the vascular system, which is made of cellulose, was used for the blood vessel. They immersed the framework in the culture of the living human cells, and these began to form tissue around him. When it emerged from the leaf tiny heart, they began to deliver liquid and microbeads into the vascular system. In this way, we could in the future regenerated tissues in the body. More in the video.

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