
A hundred years of beauty in a single minute

Are you also trying to blend in with the crowd with the hair and makeup that is trending today? Beauty trends and standards are overrated, as we can prove with this clip, where a hundred years of beauty trends are lined up in a single minute.

Different views of beauty throughout the century are shown on a single model in decades. Dark lipstick, popular in the 1920s and 1930s, makes a comeback in the 1990s. The bouncy, bouncy hairstyles of the 1940s make a comeback in the 1980s. Boldly accentuated eyes, a hallmark of the 1950s and 1960s, make a comeback in the 2000s.

READ MORE: Beauty - is this the most beautiful woman's face?

The nature of trends is such that they appear seemingly out of nowhere, take over an entire culture, then fade away and be replaced by something new. We women are especially known for following them (too) fondly. Therefore, it is cosmetics that contribute as much as 205 billion US dollars to the industry every year.
Every trend, good or bad, will one day resurface around the bend.

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