
A new organ was discovered in the human body - the mesentery

A new organ

One would think that after so many millennia of studying the human body, we would have discovered and thoroughly studied all the organs, but, as it turned out, one was hiding from us until today. The mysentery is located in the digestive tract, it is part of the abdomen, but scientists do not yet know what it is for.

Human body is richer for new body. This does not mean that it appeared unexpectedly, since it has been studied for more than a hundred years, but for the last century it was considered an unimportant tissue. Scientists have named the newly classified organ mesentery.


The latest research has shown that it is single and continuous organ, whose role is not yet known. The answer to this could be given by future research, which will allow us to better understand and consequently treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal cavity.

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The newly categorized organ is part of the toilet (umbilical fold), through which the small intestine is attached to the abdominal wall, and he already wrote about it Leonardo da Vinci. The study was published in a scientific journal The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology, which notes that the body has been treated unfairly, as it was the current one anatomical description wrong. Scientists have been collecting evidence that it is not a non-uniform structure from separate areas since 2012, when microscopic examinations proved that it is a uniform structure. She was the first to come to the conclusion J. Calvin Coffey from University Hospital Limerick, Ireland.

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