
A true partner will not expect you to be happy 24/7

Photo: envato

Love is eternal compromise, respect and mutual communication. Is your partner one of those genuine, understanding, respectful people? Is it a partner with a capital letter? Is he the person who knows you won't be smiling all the time and you won't be happy all the time?

It is! One time. Such a partner will understand that you are your own person with your own thoughts and feelings, and sometimes those thoughts will be dark, sometimes emotions will be confused.

A true partner won't be afraid of your bad days. He won't leave you, he won't let you deal with your problems on your own. He won't choose when to hang out with you based on whether you're having fun that day or needing a shoulder to lean on.

He will love you through all your moods. He will let you cry. He will let you express all your feelings without stopping you with accusations of being too emotional.

When you confide in him how you feel, he won't mind that you're not in a good mood. He will be happy that you opened your heart to him and talked to him. He will be pleased to play such an important role in your world.

The only thing that will make him sad, it's the fact that you're upset because he wants you to be happy. He wants to see your smile.

He feels your sadness and tries to put you in a good mood. Photo: Vyapratama / Pexels

You should never settle for someone who leaves you to deal with your own problems. The kind that acts like you're a burden when you try to talk about anything other than sex. Relationships require communication. And communication is more than just sexting and weird jokes.

Be with someone who won't be uncomfortable when things get serious. The kind who won't stop replying to your messages when you need him. And he will not leave you to cry alone in silence, but will try to help you and find a way to get through the pain.

He won't leave you when you need him the most. It will be there no matter what you are going through. He won't love you any less if you're sad.

He will be there for you when you go through difficult times. He will try to cheer you up to make you feel good again. He will be by your side, even if he doesn't know how to help you, he will sit with you in silence and hug you. He sees in you. He feels your pain. He will never leave you alone. He is your rock. A friend. Lover. Partner. For better and for worse, for better and for worse.

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