
A social experiment: the reflection we want to see in the mirror

We would like to be like that

People are generally dissatisfied with their appearance, and cosmetic or a beauty industry that promises to bring us closer to perfection. In the age of Photoshop, it's much easier to experiment with your own body, and the website Bright Side has taken advantage of this and embarked on an interesting experiment. She offered people a role in a project in which a designer used Photoshop to remove their "flaws" and create perfect versions of them. What would you change about yourself if you could?

What would you improve on yourself if you could? Humans are our own biggest critics. We usually see ourselves much worse than others see us, and there are always things we would like to fix or change about ourselves. People expressed their wishes to the designer, who in Photoshop created the reflection they want to see in the mirror.

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With all this striving for perfection and the narrow picture we see (read: focusing on shortcomings), but we forget that beauty opens many doors, and self-confidence opens all doors, and that by removing our peculiarities, we lose part of our individuality.

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